Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Who Ate My Jelly Beans?

 I found some jelly beans! While it is true that the expiration date was not legible, they were sealed. I decided to treat myself. I opened the tiny package and ate a few. Mr. BoJangles immediately became alert and appeared on the back of the sofa to see about my treat. I slipped him a tiny taste and he was not impressed with my sweet treat.

I left my bag on the table next to my chair and went to enclose my mattress in a cover and started moving boxes and finishing filling and taping some. Cooked dinner, answered the phone several times and then moved more boxes. Dinner over and I am tired. I remember I have a little treat awaiting me. As I take my seat on the sofa I see 3 tiny jelly beans in the otherwise empty bag. These are Jelly Belly, tiny little beans. I picked up the bag and asked, "Who ate my jelly beans?" 

I looked at each of my dogs. Bo was curious about the bag in my hand, his head tilted to one side. The doxie duo looked straight into my eyes. Toni Louise could not look at me. I repeated my query and she turned her head in shame. I asked again and got the same response. She finally went to hide behind the wood stove. Bad girl!

I purged more clothing from my drawers and closet today. I sent a huge container of blankets and towels to the animal shelter and just kept packing, then packing some more. I am still trying to motivate HeWho likes to talk. He will tell me what he is going to do, then just wait until I ask him when he plans to do what he planned to do. I give up.

I finally just started telling him what to do. He was more than happy to vacuum the store and the house, but when I ask him to sort through various boxes of stuff he has accumulated, it takes far too long.

The appraisor called with questions. A tale for tomorrow. I am still too angry and amazed. I need time to process the situation .....


River said...

How on earth did Toni get the jelly beans out while still leaving three in the package? I LOVE Jelly Belly beans, my favourites are the ice cream and the chocolate flavoured ones.

Kathy G said...

At least dogs have shame. If Martha had eaten those jelly beans he would have just stared you down.

Cathy said...

Oh oh that last little paragraph doesn’t sound too good. I’m sure you’ll be able to write a ‘seller beware’ book when all this is finished.
Here’s hoping ‘sugar’ doesn’t affect dogs the way chocolate does.

Val said...

Dang it! If only you had those jellybeans to console you! At least Toni Louise has a conscience.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Bugga, little jelly bean theif