Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Helter Skelter

 It is official! I no longer own a campground, I am retired! Finally. At Last.

I am too tired to be too excited. We have been loading all day, with a break to do the closing and a walk-thru with the new owners and then back to it. Towards the end, I simply set items and boxes outside the door for HeWho to load. Big mistake on my part!!

One of our camp workers helped load the flatbed trailer. HeWho cannot pack and has no concept of space had loaded it the day before, then decided he needed help after telling me it was full and nothing else could go. I knew better, I went outside to see Dan looking at the job HeWho had done, shaking his head. I just said, "I know." He asked if he could do some unloading and I told him he would have to to fill in all the space wasted. Wasted spaces, what a good name for a show on HGTV ......

Under my direction, Dan and I loaded that trailer within an inch of it's life! The golfcart dump bed was full and we used the seat and every square inch. Then Dan and HeWho should never help decided to load my trunk while I showered and changed clothes for the closing.

When we returned, I was told the trunk was full. No, it wasn't! I filled the floorboards in the back, then covered everything with comfy blankets for my dogs to inhabit the back seat. I only have three seat belts for them, no, I have four, but only three can be attached. Cujo will be on a pillow on the console by me. Front seat is piled high, but I can see the mirrors.

When I finally came out to the RV tonight, as soon as I open the door, the only phrase to come to mind was "Helter Skelter"!!


Val said...

Congrats on the end to this chapter, and may you have a safe voyage to your new life.

Cathy said...

As the saying goes - ‘Today’s the first day of the rest of your life’. It’l be ‘round and round we go - where we land we do not know’ for a little while as you settle in placing furniture and other bits and pieces about your new little house.
Looking forward to a new blog title or even a brand new blog about life in a new state
Take care

Unknown said...

Congrats on what had to have been a frustrating experience. I can't wait to read about your new life.

RunNRose said...

Hallelujah! You said earlier that the movers were to arrive at the new place on Wednesday? i wonder how that's going to work out? I hope your trip goes smoothly from one place to another!

Claudia said...

What a relief, but of course it isn't done until you unpack it all. Good luck to you and am looking forward to you getting internet service and back on line.

ellen abbott said...

What a load off and I mean your shoulders, your life! Let the new life begin! I guess you'll have to rename your blog.

Linda O'Connell said...

So happy for you. Hope by now you've had a good breakfast or will have a good lunch on the road, and by tomorrow you will be a mountain top resident. I wish you well and hope you keep in touch. I have lived vicariously through your blog posts for a long time.

Kathy G said...


Now all you have to do is drive to the new place and unload everything :-)

mamahasspoken said...

Congrats on your retirement!
Happy that the closing when through without any more hiccups.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Enjoy this new stage of life

Joanne Noragon said...

I am so happy for you.

Donna. W said...

Wonderful! Enjoy your new life.