Monday, January 24, 2022

Another Day Closer

 I am happy to report that the plastic trash bags over the windows helped a lot. I want to say I slept like a baby, but that would be a lie.

Today is Sunday. This is the day we will load the flatbed trailer with the golf cart and my garden "stuff". Last night my right shoulder was screaming and I had HeWho rub it down with something I found in the medicine cabinet. I have no idea how old it was. I was tired and my glasses were already off. Probably expired, as it didn't do much to alleviate the pain. 

The dogs have been so good about following me into the house in the mornings. I heaved Toni Louise into my arms and my shoulder let me know that I was in for a long day of twinges. Just like the day before and the day before that, I headed to the door to the office and unlocked it, put Toni inside and turned to see that Bo and Cujo were running free. Eddie was torn, as he stood looking at freedom or obedience. Being the good boy that he is he chose obedience and came in the door with me. I walked through and opened the door to their yard and let Eddie and Toni out.

I had grabbed some sweats and put them on atop my night gown and slipped my bare feet into some shoes. Didn't even visit the facilities before I went back out with a full bladder and no coat to round up the canine criminals. Thank goodness I did not pass by a mirror on my way out or I would have seen my hair standing on end! Nineteen cold, cold degrees outside, but luck? was on my side, as the wind was not blowing.

I spotted Mr. BoJangles right away. He was in the open field between the main building and some campsites, gleefully sniffing the ground. I yelled "TREAT" and his head came up and he spotted me. I waved my phone at him, since I had no treats. He is still young and gullible and ran like I might have been waving a raw steak at him. I lured him inside, then out the back door with his siblings, saying, "Yeah, I lied about that treat!"

I was hoping I would find Cujo near the fence trying to get into his yard so he could say he didn't do anything wrong. Not there. I headed to the barn, his favorite place to explore. Martha has been known to leave fresh kills in there and he likes to discover them. Not there. A favorite kamper spotted me and pointed to where she last saw him. He had moved on and was making his way into the occupied sites leisurely strolling along. My kamper and I headed in opposite directions to block him off, though it was unnecessary. As soon as he knew how close we were, he simply ambled his way to me and waited to be lifted into my arms. Cujo doesn't run much anymore.

He snuggled in as I made my way back to the front of the park and the magic door that would lead me to warmer air. Cujo was quite content, my shoulder was not. He walked with me to the back door after I put him down. (Just re-read that and it sounds wrong, as I did not kill him, but set him on the floor!!).

He ran out to tell the others about his adventure. Eddie came in, as well as Toni. Bo stayed with him a few seconds and then they came in. Now that I had taken care of my four-legged charges, I took care of myself. I made the coffee, visited the necessary facilities, spied a lone sock and put it on one foot. Why should both feet be cold?

My bed and clothes are in the RV. The coffee is in the house, along with running water and a TV, a recliner and the kitchen table and chairs not going with us. We shower in here, since we have not de-winterized the RV. Don't want the pipes to freeze. We will when we stop the first night, until then it is inconvenient, but we can manage until we are no longer so close to alternate solutions.

Hoping tomorrow will be the big day and we close and then hit the road. Hoping. Still do not know the results from the "appraiser". It is a big secret, I suppose. Coffee cup sits empty, and I have plenty to do and no reason to sit here any longer.


ellen abbott said...

I'm pretty sure if the appraisal came back less than the agreed upon price you would already have heard. No news is good news in this case.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Always so much to do never feeling like on is done

Joanne Noragon said...

Hoping tomorrow is the day!

Linda O'Connell said...

Such nonsense you have to go through. I know it is down to the wire, now. Soon youu will be hitting the highway. Wishing you the very best.