Tuesday, January 4, 2022

The Night Was Long

Cujo here again. Mom read your comments to me! Am I famous? Mom says that I will always be famous to her, but other people like me, too! Mom told me not to get a big head about it. I did not know this could happen! How big do you think my head might get? I hope not too big because I stand rather low to the ground and it would take great effort to hold it high enough!

I liked that comment Val made about Martha, the boy cat, being on the table beside Dad's chair. That Val is very clever. She should know that Martha does enjoy sitting in boxes, but I wouldn't want to be the one to pick that box up as Martha is what Mom calls a hefty boy. This means that Martha is fat! Call it what you want, but he is fat. Why she tries to disguise this fact with words is beyond me!

She seems to have no problem telling me tht I am fat! Just yesterday when she was calling us dogs in, she yelled "Run, fat boy, run!" at me. So rude. Then she pointed out to me that I was always the last one in the door. That may be true, but the others lack the dignity I have aquired over my many years. I watch my step, so as not to disgrace myself by tripping! Am I carrying a bit of extra weight? I could be.

Now that Mom is well, she is back to her old habits of not being able to fall asleep. When this happens, I will leave the bed to find her. I sneak out from under the covers and slide to the floor and tip-toe out of our bedroom. She will usually be on the sofa with this laptop, reading. Sometimes she will have a cup of tea and if I am really lucky, a cookie or two.

Last night she got up to take some pills for her headache and to use the bathroom. I felt her slip out the bed as I woke from a dream about those cookies. She will dunk them in her tea and she always shares with me. The cookies are quite plain, not real sweet, but so delicious when it is just me and Mom. I like that special time with just the two of us.

Maybe I was a little too eager as I thought about tea and cookies and did not use my usual stealth as I jumped to the floor. Mr. BoJangles sensed something and decided to join me. He has taken to sleeping completely under the covers down by Mom's feet. She likes this, says it keeps her toes toasty warm, though I don't know why she would want to have her toes toasted. 

When Bo emerges from his place under the covers, he makes quite a production of it by slinging the covers up with his head and inching along until he reaches the beginning of the covers, then scrambling over the side of the bed and making a big thump when he jumps to the floor. I have much to teach this pup!

He woke Eddie and Toni Louise, who sleeps completely uncovered between Mom and Dad's heads. Eddie and I like to borrow under the covers, leaving a gap where we put our noses out, you know, the proper position for sleeping. Eddie was startled and began barking. I suppose he thought something was going on and he needed to alert Dad. 

HeWho is our Dad rarely wakes for anything. Mom says a marching band could invade our bedroom and he would sleep through the performance. Eddie is a loud barker with a very deep resonance. Mom says he sounds more like a doberman that a doxie. I have never met a doberman, but Mom says they can sound quite scary. Anyhow, Eddie is one of the few things that will wake HeWho is our Dad.

Dad woke and yelled at Eddie to cut it out. Those are the words he uses when he wants something to stop. I don't know why, as it has nothing to do with scissors or knives. Charming Eddie is a very sensitive soul and is also afraid to jump down from the bed, so he was quite upset that Mom was not there to console him. Dad was annoyed and awake and Toni Louise was just following me. Bo was half awake, shaking his head, and I was in the lead.

Mom was just in the bathroom. No tea, no cookies and she was annoyed with me! I got scolded, as she scooped me up in her arms and put me back in the bed without a kiss to my sweet head! It was a long night! 



Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

A long night.............

Joanne Noragon said...

Maybe you need a bigger head to land kisses, Cujo.

Write from the Heart said...

I can hardly sleep with the big cat snuggled up to my back on top the covers. I don't know how you do it with all your fur kids IN THE BED. Cujo sure has a great way of telling a story. Hope things are moving right along for you.

Val said...

Heh, heh! I wish the UPS lady had called my little Jack a "hefty boy," instead of saying, "Look how FAT you are!" Even though I'm sure she didn't mean anything by it, and Jack is far from a belly-dragging porker, even with his dachshund legs on a heeler body.

River said...

I can live with disapproval.