Sunday, January 16, 2022

I Am The Master Of Improvising!!

 Only four days left until the moving truck arrives. We are scheduled to close the same day. The movers are coming and loading. Still know nothing about the results of the appraisal. Must be a secret.

In any event, we are getting down to a bare living situation here. I made soup yesterday. Soup and snow go well together. HeWho was helping serve up the grub looked toward the cabinet that used to hold bowls. Yes, I packed them. We ate out of serving bowls. I ate my cereal out of a coffee mug.

We have had some strange combinatons for meals as I am trying to deplete the comtents of the freezer and pantry. This is why I poured a generous dollop of coconut vodka in my orange juice! No need to move that bottle!! I just happen to have not packed my pyrex pie plate, so we will be having a pie tonight. I had milk, pudding, coolwhip and grahams. I used up two of the puddings, pistachio and chocolate. Made a good dent in that milk, too! One little problem arose when I opened the drawer for the rolling pin and discovered that I had packed it as well. I dumped those crackers in a ziplock and grabbed the meat tenderizer and pounded them to crumbs. Good thing I can improvise! I suppose I could have layered the crackers and the pudding ....

Spent some time in the shower combining two shampoo bottles into one. Went through my spices and tossed all the expired ones and those I didn't remember using. Then I repacked all my Christmas stuff and condensed it somewhat.

Out of those "magic" bags, I tried some trash bags and the vacuum. I put fabric in them and then loosely tied the end and poked the hose inside and sucked all the air out and tied the end and taped it down. Worked better on some than others. HeWho helped and we quickly put the lid on each full bin and taped it down. In my mind's eye I picture all these bins on the back of the truck with the lids exploding. If they stack things all nice and tight, it won't happen!

Soon as that snow melts I will finish loading the RV and then my car. I am ready to go!!


Joanne Noragon said...

So are we ready! New adventures. How we remember working the old house down to nothing. And, best of luck with the appraiser.

RunNRose said...

Hugs and hopes that troubles are behind you!

Kathy G said...

I also made some interesting meals right before we moved.

River said...

I was always ready to go about a week before moving day too, keeping out only daily essentials, the kids school clothes and books, then one set of dishes and cutlery per person, then a lot of meals were chicken and chips from the nearest local takeaway place. The kids loved it, it was the only time they were allowed chips (fries) every day.
I hope everything goes without a hitch for you now.

ellen abbott said...

Well, I guess if the closing is scheduled then the appraisal didn't cause problems with the purchase price or funding. So, good news. It would be interesting to check back in 5 years and see how the park is faring with the new owner.

Write from the Heart said...

I leave comments but they don't seem to show up. In any case, I know what you mean about using the vacuum cleaner. I used to reverse the suction and inflate an air mattress with ours. I'll bet you are SO ready to head out.