Thursday, January 6, 2022

Cat Condo

 Cujo here. I overheard Mom talking to HeWho is our Dad about buying a cat condo. What? I know what a condo is, I watch HGTV with Mom. I didn't know there were cat condos! 

How would this work? If only cats live in these cat condos who gets their food and water. Who changes the litter box? What do they do in these cat condos. Are they alone all the time?

Oh no! Does this mean Martha, the boy cat will not be moving with us? This is distressing! I waited until all of us dogs were outside to have a canine family meeting. Eddie was most upset. He loves Martha, they are best friends. When he was a small pup, Martha took care of him. You might recall that Martha is not fond of other cats and considers himself to be a caretaker of us dogs.

Toni Louise was not paying attention and apparently had nothing to add to the discussion, as she began chasing her own tail. She does this a lot. She seems to find it entertaining, although I am not sure why. Usually when she begins chasing her tail, Bo will join in and catch it for her. This will turn into a game of chase with the two of them racing through the yard and tripping each other. Although Toni has the advantage of long legs, Bo tends to outrun her. But, I digress (Mom finally explained this word to me).

Mr. BoJangles was not interested in Toni and her games. He was MAD. "Martha is MY CAT!" he said. This is not true, but we let him vent. He wants to plan a scheme to get Martha to our new house. Brace yourself before you hear his plan ...

Bo has been watching Mom pack boxes and he knows they are going to our new house. He wants to sneak Martha into a box and tape it up! He clearly has not thought this through!

Martha does enjoy sitting in boxes from time to time, but with the lid off. Bo was insistant that his plan would work and was spitting mad that Eddie and I did not agree. I pointed out to him that the boxes would be going on a truck. He would be stacked in with all the other boxes with no food or water. Now he wants to add food and water to the box. Eddie tried to explain that the water would spill when the box moved and asked how Martha would be able to do his business. Now Bo has added a litter box to the box! How big does he think this box can be without Mom noticing it?

Bo was still planning when Toni stopped spinning. She said she was ready to go in and barked for Mom. As she waited at the door she asked why we didn't just ask Mom about Martha. Really? I should have thought of that!

Mom laughed at us dogs for thinking she would leave Martha in a cat condo. I guess we should have known that Mom would never leave Martha, she raised him from a tiny kitten with a bottle. That turtle she talks to is going, so why would she leave our cat behind!

Then she told us what a cat condo is. I feel silly! It is only a place for Martha to climb and sit on! Mom wants one big enough to keep the litter box high enough that us dogs can't reach it. His food dish, too. She says that she wants to keep Martha mostly indoors until Spring in the new house. She wants him safe and not exploring in case he gets lost.

What a relief! I must confess that all of us dogs find cat food to be quite tasty. Toni Louise likes to dig around in the litter box looking for tasty morsels. I tried it once myself. Mom gagged and told me that I was never to lick her skin EVER again. Then she told me what I had eaten. She acted the same way when I swallowed that dead mouse that Martha had gifted me. She is so squeamish!


Joanne Noragon said...

Condos are the cat's meow lately.

River said...

Martha will love a cat condo, My cat Lola has two of them, one is five feet tall with sitting areas, a hide-away cave she can sleep in and scratching posts in between the levels, the other one is about seven feet tall with similar features and she likes that one best.

Val said...

Cujo, your canine family meeting reminded me of some classes I've been responsible for! Props to you for trying to take charge of the situation, but sometimes it's like herding a truckload of Marthas.

Write from the Heart said...

Our fat cat roosts atop Bill's recliner, wags his tail in Bill's face and leans on his head. He has threatened to build him a cat condo. He's a gadget man, so I can only imagine the gaudy amenities and honking size he'd make it for a our small livingroom. Martha will transition to his new digs. And our cat is stuck on the back of a chair.