Sunday, March 2, 2014

Old Man Winter Refuses to Leave

I am so tired of this ....... the snow, the sleet, the frigid wind.

The icicles cling to the gutter. Okay, I didn't take these pictures today, but, it is still as cold outside. I have not seen He Who tows today. He came home around 3 AM, but was called out again before sunrise. Busy pulling cars out of the median on the interstate. I heard on the news this morning that a 70 mile section of Interstate 70 had been closed. We are in that section. Black ice and single digit temperatures make for a treacherous drive. I am staying put.

I ran out of pain meds last Thursday. Can't get anything done until Wednesday.  I am managing with Tylenol and ice packs. Have to admit I do enjoy having all my mental faculties working at 100%. Good thing I have a high pain tolerance. I have decided to tough it out until we close the pool in September if surgery is an option. At the rate we are going with the insurance specifications I know I wouldn't be recovered before pool season.

More important than pool season ........ my gardens. I cannot bear the thought of being unable to play in the dirt. I did some research on my injury and I was right. The only way to repair it is surgery. But, like arthritis, it is manageable. The article I read warned against immobilization, which could result in a "frozen shoulder". This is said to be even more painful. Don't want that! So looks like gardening might be good therapy. I will leave all the heavy lifting to He Who needs me to be able to do his laundry and cook his meals.


ellen abbott said...

winter is being a very bad sport. it's dipping down into the 30s at night all next week. boo hiss.

Anonymous said...

Hubby had frozen shoulder a couple of years ago. Lots of exercise and continuing to use it made all the difference. He's doing fine now. No surgery necessary. Doctor recommended Aleve.