Sunday, December 5, 2021

Out With The Old

 You will recall that our big 40' RV met the mountain and the mountain won. Mostly body damage easily fixed. Still, I announced my intention to NEVER ride in it again when I returned home. Apparently HeWho drives big rigs took my proclamation to heart.

Our new rig is only 25' long. Plus 2". I will happily take the driver's seat in this one. Since we are not anticipating living in it, it has everything we need for a trip. No carpet making me happy with my fourleggers. We will be making a trip back to North Carolina soon to register the vehicles and change the car tags, as well. Vehicle insurance is so much cheaper there. Since we will be making the trip, we plan to pull a trailer full of all the outdoor stuff and my plants to their new home. I am researching watering methods for my plants. They don't need as much water in the winter, but I am still concerned.

I have the temporary fence in place for the dogs, and we will be enclosing a 10 X 10 shed to secure all the outdoor things we manage to haul.

You might have guessed that the appraiser did not show. I put on a show about my feelings on that subject. This has lingered on far too long. The initial proposal was for the new owner to take possession in October. It is December an I have no closing date, no earnest money and I am not happy. Just learn from my mistakes, this is why you have a realtor involved. Something that was supposed to be so simple is now occupying my thoughts every minute of every day. And not in a good way.

I can feel my blood pressure rising, so I will think other thoughts as I am packig necessities on board my new RV. I am happy knowing that the garage we researched on the last trip will be much less expensive, since we were looking at accomodating 31' of RV. 40' is just too long to maneuver in our driveway.

Today is a dreary day to be spent watching a movie and cuddling dogs. 


River said...

It's a shame you don't yet have a closing date. What on earth is the hold-up? Surely the buyer would want things settled long before Christmas, which is now only days away, well, a couple of weeks.
The smaller RV sounds nice.

Val said...

Another road trip! I can't wait to hear about this one! The good things, of course. Surely nothing else could go wrong...

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

The smaller RV sounds better