Thursday, November 11, 2021

New Home!

 Cujo here. It has been a hectic morning in our house. Mom drank her coffee and said she had some serious work to do. Us dogs stayed in our spots on the couch, ready for our early morning nap (not to be confused with our mid morning nap, then there is the early afternoon and mid afternoon, followed by a nice early evening snooze before bed). She headed to her bedroom, as usual and we expected to see her emerge in suitable attire for whatever task was at hand.

Dad and Toni Louise were still in bed. Mom dresses in the dark, so she won't disturb them. She calls it being considerate. Next thing we heard was the water in the shower. Okay, this means her task will be inside and not in her gardens, as she will delay her shower to work there (she calls it playing in the dirt). No matter to us sleepy hounds.

The water was still running when we heard Mom tell Toni Loise that she was getting a much needed bath! Wait a minute, it is my turn to have a bath! Toni no longer fights about the indignity of the bath, having reaized that it makes no difference to Mom. Dad got up and dressed and was sitting in his chair when Mom called out that she could use some help. Dad came out with a very wet Toni, followed by Mom and a dry towel. She finished drying Toni and scooped me up for my bath!

I was so happy, I don't know if I have told you all how much I enjoy a nice warm bath! I am not a fan of the blow dryer and Mom let's me skip that part. I have very short hair and it dries quickly as I run zoomies through the house. Now, while I was about the business of drying myself, I heard Mom tell Dad to grab the demon dog and deliver him to the bathroom. 

That would be Mr. BoJangles, in case you didn't know. He is not a fan of getting wet and has been known to give Mom a nip or two during the bathing process. I once heard her remind him that she bites back and that he was lucky he was soapy that moment! He did quite well today and Eddie was waiting patiently for his turn. I suppose he forgot his bath of only a few days ago.

Mom said her back was killing her. Bo wondered how her back would kill her and started asking really dumb questions. He went so far as to ask if her back was going to shoot her! Demon dog, indeed!

Toni has been unseen since the morning bath. She will usually make her presence unknown when Mom takes any of us dogs in for a bath. She has never been first before. Pretty clever of Mom to surprise her this morning. 

And now for the big news of the day. We have a new home!! We will be living in North Carolina! It is two day trips away. We went there earlier this year in the motorhome. Then we got in the car and drove there. Us dogs got out and I personally marked many spots as I walked around with Mom before we went up some steps onto a porch. Dad was there and he talked with Mom while us dogs sniffed the entire porch. We went back the next day and met a man there who let us inside to look at the house part. 

We liked it and so did Mom and Dad. It was quite small, just one bedroom. I like small places and in this place I can see Mom from every room. I like to know where she is. Sometimes she will get up in the middle of the night because she can't sleep and I am always available to keep her company. 

I don't know when we will move there, but Mom is packing every day. I am giddy with anticipation!


Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Moving is such abig task, my eldest is moving this week and my niece is also moving this week.

River said...

I like a nice warm bath too, but I don't have a tub where I am living, only a shower. I'm very glad to hear you are all soon going to a new home. Your Mum will be much happier away from all the troubles of the campsite.

Kathy G said...


Val said...

Well, Cujo, the thought of you running zoomies through the house to dry off after your bath makes me smile. You might have to make your zoomies shorter but more numerous if your new house is much smaller! I hope Dora the turtle will like the new house.

Cathy said...

Whoo hoo Wagons Roll !!
Sounds like the other party finally came to their senses and got their finances in order - which means that sometime in the future (once you’re all settled into your new property) you might be choosing a new name for the blog??

Linda O'Connell said...

They say you cannot bathe a cat. I beg to disagree. My big guy loves warm water.