Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Napping Is Nice ......

I would love a nap. I was just dozing here in my chair, with various sleeping dogs draped across my body. In a haze of sweet contentment ...... and HeWho procrastinates decides to fix the back door. It has needed fixing for well over a month and, while I am thankful that he has finally decided to fix it, I am also a little annoyed that he chose this very moment to do so!

I was up early this morning, potty training on my mind. I was in a light sleep and when I felt Eddie stretch then stand on his stumpy little legs, I scooped him up and took him outside. I stood waiting in the wind while he searched for a good spot. Cujo went out with him, as well as Martha, the boy cat. I don't like for him to go out alone. The crows and vultures that fly over the park are much bigger than him and he would look like a tasty morsel to them. I was pretty sure that Martha would kill anything that tried to take him. You will recall that my big cat killed a crow last year and that crow was as big as the cat!

I made a quick trip to the bathroom and went to the back door. Eddie and Cujo came running. I think they were trying to run in a straight line, but the wind was so strong they skewed off-course and at one point, little Eddie was airborne! Both dogs scooted back to the bed and looked expectantly at me for a lift up. I obliged and we crawled back under the covers. Cujo went immediately to his chosen spot and snuggled against my leg. Wall-E poked his head out from under his covers to give me a brief lick on my hand and Eddie settled down on my chest.

Eddie must like to heart my heart beat, as this is his favorite place to sleep. Getting back in bed is part of our winter routine and this is when Toni Louise gets her "mommy-time". She has been sorely lacking since Eddie arrived and this morning she wanted to make up for lost time.

She settled down next to me and carefully inspected my face, paying close attention to my eyes. Toni Louise is an eye-ball sniffer. She is not shy about her hobby, either. She will get down to business rather aggressively, but she is actually quite gentle with her technique. I just lay there and let her have her way with me. She gets as close as she can without actually touching and begins sniffing at my chin. It tickles and makes me want to giggle. She only sniffs, no licking is involved.

After she finishes, she presents her face to me. Maybe she would like for me to imitate her and inhale her face, but I don't. I use my fingers and massage her sweet little face carefully, then use a tissue to clean her eyes. We don't like eye creatures to build up in the corners. This done, she lays her head on my shoulder and I run my fingers through her fur and tell her how much I love her.

Usually, or before Eddie, we would get up and start the day after this love fest between woman and dog. Today, Toni was just beginning her routine when Eddie popped his tiny head up to see who was beside his mommy. Then, of all things, he wanted to join in. Toni was appalled! This is HER time and she is not one to share! I tried to rub her back and face, but she was growling the entire time.

The growling made Eddie start barking. Once he starts, he seems to enjoy the sound of his own voice. If any of you have ever had a dachshund, you will know that their bark is not the little yippy bark. It is a deep throated, full fledged bark. They sound like a Doberman. So, the barking woke HeWho and Wall-E. Wall-E actually threw back the covers and came out to see what was going on. Toni was indignant and is not speaking to me. Cujo stayed under the covers next to me throughout the incident, safe in the knowledge that he could bear no blame for the ruckus. He has been acting a little smug all day. Wall-E, on the other hand does not like interruptions of the harmony that comes with established routines. 

It has been a busy day. I put the puppy pad on the floor and showed it to him. He immediately picked up one edge to chew. I told him "No" and put down again. He walked away to the pile of chew toys that decorate the rug in the center of the room. He nestled in among them. At one point, he sauntered over to the puppy pad and peed! I praised him and made a big fuss, telling him he was such a good boy. He accepted all the accolades and promptly pooped on the rug.

This is not going well. He had the same expression on his face when I scolded him that he had when I praised him. Really not going well. He looks so much like my Sweet Emmy Lou, but he seems to be channeling his inner Oscar. Oscar was a little tyrant. But he loved me as much as I loved him. And he knew he was loved and never minded a good scolding, he just ignored it.

I sure would have loved a nap .....


Mevely317 said...

I love this, Kathy. Heartwarming, defined! :)

Val said...

Heh, heh! He promptly pooped on the rug!

When half-dachshund Jack would be chastised and get a little swat on the behind for pooping on the porch, he would put his ears back and look sad for about 3.1 seconds. Then he was over it. And we'd find porch poop again the next day.

Lately there hasn't been any. I'm thinking Jack decided he was done porch pooping. My "corrections" didn't seem to have much effect.

Linda O'Connell said...

Keep those stories coming. Ia enjoy their adventures and co mingling so much.

joanne said...

never a dull moment eh? I can just picture you all snug in the bed, great way to stay warm. Too bad you missed your nap though!

Stephanie Faris said...

My husband is a procrastinator, too...and it's the same thing. When he finally decides to do whatever it is, he just starts doing it and doesn't stop until it's finished. He'll often be fixing a malfunctioning door when we're supposed to be somewhere, making us late, because he saw it at that moment and it finally bugged him the way it's been bugging me!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

You love your animals like I do. I smiled all the way through...