Saturday, January 14, 2017


Icy weather kept everyone indoors. Spent the day aimlessly watching TV. I did cook, we ate and continued watching TV until bedtime ..... or what should have been bedtime.

I happened to look out the window, the only window in my "sitting room", which used to be the kitchen, so the window is small. I saw sparks drifting down and mentioned it to the man of the house. "Oh, it's just ice crystals." he says to me like I am dim of wits. "Really, I don't think it is, unless they are orange and look a lot like sparks OF FIRE!"

It was a toasty 80 degrees inside, and he had just stuffed more wood into the inferno in the stove. I was removing another layer of clothing in protest. He finally witnessed a spark with his very own eyes and stepped out to investigate. Turns out, I was right! The stove pipe that was right next to the house and on the roof was on fire.

Outside. The fire was outside, so I need someone to tell me why HeWho stokes the fire decided to use the fire extinguisher INSIDE. I am pretty sure the chemicals in that thing are not good to inhale. From there he went outside with another fire extinguisher and mounted the ladder he leaves set up all winter (for just such events as this) and mounted the icy steps. Everything is icy out there. The concrete sidewalk, the grass, everything.

The extinguisher did not put the fire out and he resorted to carrying pitchers of water and dousing the pipe. Then he took some tools outside to dismantle the smoking pipes and toss them to the ground. In the meantime I am trying to breathe and have to use my inhaler. My eyes are burning and I am assured to not sleep, thanks to the big hit of albuterol I inhaled. My head aches and I am just plain miserable.

Think maybe now he will listen to me when I tell him not to stuff the stove so full of wood? Or when I tell him I see sparks?


Anonymous said...

I would be a blithering mess should this happen here. I cannot tolerate fire of any kind. We have electric stove, do not use our fireplace, no candles. I have never struck a match in my life. Fire is one of my biggest fears.

Joanne Noragon said...

My sister had the same problem with her husband and the wood stove. On his own in there he kept a roaring blaze. My sister would go in and begin THROWING open the many studio windows, screaming at him the entire time, until he quickly slunk out.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Now that would freak me out. So glad, you caught it, in time or the whole house could of gone up. Especially when you were asleep. Scary

Paula said...

OMG! I hope he is more careful in the future. That is scary!!

Linda O'Connell said...

Oh my goodness, that was a close call. Good thing you caught it. Are you and the fur kids okay?

Val said...

Good thing you like to look out the window! Growing up, we had a couple of flue fires in our fireplace. Scary stuff.

ellen abbott said...

close call! glad it wasn't worse. and no, probably not.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

So a man didn't listen to a woman yet again, I am pretty sure that is normal