Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Dinner Is Served

 You might recall me poking fun at my husband's description of cooking yesterday. I seem to have been paid back for my superior attitude.

I took a little rest, then started cooking the evening meal as I usually do. In times past I have definitely had some issues with burning food, two of those times resulting in flames. This was because my attention had been interrupted by customers. I am usually careful to either turn the stove/oven down or off before I take off to answer the summons to the office. The two fires having made me more cautious.

I was splitting my attention between the stove and the news when the hateful bell rang. HeWho was snuggled in his comfy chair and we had a moment's staredown to see which one of us would respond. Feeling generous, I took it and checked a camper in.

When this happens, I admit that I fully expect his help with the stove in my absence. If you smell something burning, you should either turn it off, put out the flames, or stir the contents and lower the temp. He didn't notice anything amiss until after I was finished and he had ambled out to have some lazy chit chat with the customer, as another approached needing an LP bottle filled.

The chicken was ..... um, blackened. I added some liquid and finished the vegetables, only to find that the liquid cooked out again and further "blackened" the meat. We ate it anyway. It was only burnt on one side, after all and with a bucket of BBQ sauce you could hardly tell!!

The appraiser should be here today. I plan to use my current ailment to lay low. I will volunteer to keep the canine contingent occupied while they are in the building. The outside area is up to HeWho agreed to the terms of this situation. It is raining and nasty out there, so I wouldn't go out there in any case.

I have aquired more boxes and will spend the afternoon filling them up. We should have a good idea of the size moving truck required by the end of the week. Worst case scenario is to rent another U-Haul and tow it with the over flow and I will just drive my car. I sincerely hope not, as I like to ride more than I like to drive. The movers will be better at space usage that HeWho (ANYBODY would be better at that!), so hopefully he will over-estimate the needs and I can ride with the car in tow.

Only other pressing matter is the North Carolina tags we need for the RV. They will only mail them to our new address. Why? That is the way they choose to do it. We need them very soon, as the dealer tag will soon expire. What are the chances we would be stopped? I don't want to find out.

Should I attemp another meal today? Will I get a nap? Will I ever find out why I am sweating excessively? Stay tuned!


Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

A new day so go and burn/cook more

Joanne Noragon said...

Closing in on the end of an era.

Val said...

I would send HeWho to pick up some food. So you can better use your time to recover from your illness. It's a great excuse. Might as well get something good out of being sick. Not that your one-side-blackened chicken isn't good, of course...