Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Cooking and Naps

I packed all morning and now have a sizable stack(s) of boxes to show for my efforts. I was feeling quite accomplished until I looked around at the remaining stuff scattered around. A little overwhelmed is how I now feel.

HeWho helped with some of his stash of unnecessary items. I made many trips to the dumpster and scored two good sized cardboard boxes filled with what had to be the packaging for a little girl's dream Christmas. HeWho was on a step ladder digging to the outer reaches of a storage cupboard muttering that "we can't keep all this crap" as if he just realized this. Did I not just load my car twice with fabric and donate it at the church? What did he think I was up to?

Resting now and listening to him command Siri to give him the office hours of the tax office. He has reverted to his old southern drawl and she kept giving him  information he didn't want. I couldn't help laughing as he was shown an aerial map of the county, then the city. He was asking for "Montgomery County tax office hours", then the city. I told him to speed it up and I would have phrased it differently, like "Tax office hours, Montgomery County". He sure does entertain me!

Still so much to do and me without energy. I inquired about what might be to his liking for dinner. He wants BBQ chicken and said he could "fix it". Since he likes to slather his food with BBQ sauce anyway, does it really matter how I cook the chicken? Curious, I asked how he would be "fixing" this feast of chicken.

"You put the chicken in a pot and pour BBQ sauce on it and cook it!" he exclaimed like a proud kindergartner describing this mystery called cooking. I am tempted to let him give a go, but knowing I would be the clean-up team of one, I changed my mind. In my mind's eye I see a cook pot with dried out crisp and gooey chicken stuck to the bottom. The pot may, or may not be salvagable, depending on the amount of effort I would be willing to put into the clean up. I would rather just cook myself.

As for the sauces he is prone to use, I have finally convinced him to read the label about the sodium content. He will proudly proclaim the sodium content as he generously douses his food. My next challenge is making him use the recommended serving amount. This is usually a tablespoon, not half a cup!

In other news, my clinic just called with the results of my blood tests. Everything is fine. My cholesterol is borderline and maybe I should watch my carbs .... The thyroid testing shows no reason for my excessive perspiration, even when I am cold. I feel like somebody has been screwing around with my thermostat, but it was apparently not my thyroid. I apologize to my gland for suspecting it. As for watching my carbs, I replied "whatever" to the nurse. She laughed, knowing better than to argue with me.

I need a little nap now.



Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Sounds like a nap was needed, we all accumulate a lot of junk and stuff

Kathy G said...

I think you did the right thing not to let HeWho be in charge of dinner. Maybe you can introduce him to the world of flavored vinegars, which have no calories or sodium.

Joanne Noragon said...

Hmmm...I really do wonder what your mystery illness can be.

River said...

Chicken in a pot, pour barbecue sauce over, then cook it. There's a recipe for disaster.
I'm glad you took over the cooking.