My daughter, Jill told me that she would like to have them after I am ….. gone. I know many people want to be buried with sentimental things, but I am not one of them. As far as I am concerned, I can go out the way I came in. No adornments necessary. She said she would have the rings cut off, but I told her to just have them cut my finger off. I won't feel it and why mess up the rings if you don't have to. She did not agree to me solution.
All that aside. I had mentioned to HeWho loves me that since my hands are always in dirt, dishwater or paint, I would like to have just a band. That is assuming I can use some sort of magical technique to remove the ones on my finger. I was thinking that it would be a nice gift for our anniversary.
HeWho is always at a loss for gift ideas did not take the bait. Our anniversary is December 17. He got a tool bag full of tools for me. He could have given me that for Christmas. My tool bag is purple and all the tools have purple handles. The theory being that if he or anyone else saw a purple tool they would shy away from it, knowing it was mine. All very well and he did put some thought into the gift. He has used them already!
Since the time I told him that the flower bed needed to be fertilized and he gave me 40 lbs. of, yes, manure, for Mother's Day one year, I am very careful about what I say around gifting times of the year. You never know what little nugget of information he might pick up on. He has done much better since the cow crap event. He got on a jewelry kick and I finally had to tell him that I only have 8 fingers. He did eventually try to upgrade my diamond with a one carat flawless diamond in a platinum setting. I am pretty sure this was my 25th anniversary gift.
This was about the time my joints started to grow and my hands would ache from time to time. I don't know if you have ever tried a platinum ring, but they are heavy. The ring was beautiful, but I wore it on my right hand, because I could not get the other rings off. If you have been reading my blog for some time, you will know that the ring was my gift to my baby girl when she got married. I could no longer wear it and was afraid I would lose it and it gives me as much happiness on her finger as it did on mine.
For Christmas, my true love gave to me …….