Sunday, November 25, 2018

Not Having A Good Day

The trip stories are over. Before leaving my PCP (primary care giver) ran some blood work on me and referred me to a Rheumatologist. She doubted that I actually have rheumatoid arthritis and I agreed with her assessment, but decided to do the blood work anyway.

I presented myself, as scheduled, to the specialty clinic for evaluation. Now we all agree that I have osteoarthritis. That's the good news. This can be treated with OTC (over the counter) remedies. The only bad thing is that constant use can damage your liver, or your kidneys and mess with your clotting factors in your blood. So, the answer is a topical application to deliver the pain relief, bypassing the digestive system.

The bad news is the cost. I went to pick up the prescription today. Had to wait for the pharmacy to order it. They filled a 90 day supply and ran it through my insurance and the part I was to pay was OVER $300. 

I left the prescription and headed over to the arthritic remedies available without prescription. I bought 3. Each has a different active ingredient. If I have a really bad day, I might use all three simultaneously, along with a cocktail of Tylenol and Motrin. Won't cost $300.

Getting old sucks! Along with that I have the beginnings of a cold. Sore throat, hacking cough, weepy eyes and runny nose. I kept my distance from all those shoppers at Walmart where I refused my prescription. I had a few items to pick up to finish the Christmas lights.

While I was looking, a fellow shopper pushed me aside to peruse the boxes I was considering. All the while, she coughed non-stop with her mouth open. Already not feeling my best, it took considerable self control not to shove her head into her elbow and teach her how to cough in public. 

Home now, I am sitting here with hot tea and Kleenex at my side. All prepared to catch up on all my favorite blogs and find that Blogger will not let me comment. Not having a good day. Maybe I should just crawl into bed ……..



peppylady (Dora) said...

Hello and found your blog by way of Cups of the Bus. I bet majorty of Americans could grip about price of any part of medical cost.
Hope things brighten up for you.
If you have time stop in for a cup of coffee

Kathy G said...

Yes, getting old sucks. Try Googling natural arthritis relief and see what you get. Capsaicin comes to mind, although there may be others that would temporarily relieve the pain.

Val said...

As a fellow knee-pain-ite, I am sending sympathy your way! At least those are the only joints that currently bother me. My doc (nurse practitioner) said for me to take a break from my ibuprofen every third day, since it's metabolized by the kidneys, and to use acetaminophen on that day, which is metabolized by the liver. Or course he admitted that I'd probably be feeling the pain on the acetaminophen day.

I wish you a speedy recovery for your cold. It took me 16 days to beat the HICKovirus I caught from my husband. It turned into conjunctivitis and acute bronchitis. Compared to those days, I feel healthy as a horse right now, two days recovered.

ellen abbott said...

have you tried gin soaked raisins? When the arthritis in my thumb joints gets bad I find it helps. golden raisins in a container covered with cheap gin, let sit til it evaporates, eat 9 a day. takes a few days to build up.