Sunday, July 2, 2017

Pets on Parade!

Where to begin? The fireworks were fantastic ..... I was told. I did have a chair to seat myself in, just never sat down. Maybe the middle when I ran in for a quick bathroom break and decided to let the dogs out, only to discover a mouse in Eddie's custody?

In an effort to get the information out to all the campers and avoid lots of questions, I put a sign on the door. Bright green, to catch your eye. I did see some people actually reading it, but soon felt like I might have wasted my time and energy ......

I was ready at 11 AM, really I was, but just at that time people began coming in for purchases and campers started to arrive. Really hard to judge when a camper will appear, but CHECK-IN is anytime AFTER noon and one would have thought that the sign on the door would suffice as an explanation that the store would be temporarily closed during this time. One would be wrong.

Wall-E ditched his hat first. He was having none of my patriotic mumbo jumbo. I even tried to apply duct tape to his head ..... It was a job just to keep his harness on. He jumped from the cart at one point and was being dragged along like Aunt Edna's dog in Vacation.

Since we were leading, the shouts from those behind us alerted us to his predicament. He was unscathed, golf carts don't go that fast. I jumped off to rescue my most senior dog and HeWho was driving then drug me along with only half of myself on board. I am still unsure if this was intentional or not. Toni Louise must have thought this was a bizarre game and she was next to jump.

This is Roxie ..... She won the prize for the most patriotic dog. I hope I spelled her name right! I think the award should go to her people, Terry and Sharon for being able to make her keep that costume on!!

The golf carts were dressed for the big affair.

Bikes were not to be out done!!

 Dixie and Trixie seemed as happy as my dogs!


Miss Kitty has captured my mood! Miss Kitty is somewhat dainty compared to Martha, the boy cat. Martha hunts all night and was not available for costuming and parades ...... he was sleeping on my pillow.

Miss Kitty is a hunter of different sorts. She likes to roam around and check out décor. If you leave your door open, she will go right in. She won't stay long, just wants to look around. I think she has a secret language and tells her people, DJ and Andrea what other people have done to their campers.

So, are you wondering about the mouse in Eddie's possession? Tomorrow .......

Eddie and Cujo stayed on the cart for the duration.


Val said...

Sorry, but I laughed out loud at the mention of Wall-E being dragged along behind like Aunt Edna's dog. Not that if was funny, of course! Thank goodness Wall-E had a better outcome than Dinky. I hope he didn't have access to your sandwiches!

Linda O'Connell said...

How fun this must have been for your campers. Not so much Wall-E.

Linda O'Connell said...

How fun this must have been for your campers. Not so much Wall-E.

labbie1 said...

No rain this year! yay! Looks like a hoot! Where are the fireworks pictures?????