Yes, most people are reasonable and realize that I didn't suddenly decide it would be fun to impose my rules on them. Some days, though, it just doesn't work that way. Some days you just encounter those disinclined to even try to see your point of view. I have learned these past five years to recognize those people before I even open my mouth. One such "gentleman" graced me with his presence this week. He came in the exit drive and was followed by a cloud of dust as he raced to the front of the building. He was driving a truck with a small camper tucked into the bed of the truck. I came out of the store to greet him (I wanted to point out to him that he was speeding, after all). "Hi, can I help you?" I say as I approach him. He jumps out of his truck scowling at me, "Yeah, I need some ice." he says. "Did you know that you were speeding?" I ask. "What?" he answers, only the tone of his voice made it sound more like 'whatever, lady, I don't really care'. See what I mean? Right away I already knew he was not going to like anything I had to say. But.... I repeat my question anyway and tell him the speed limit is 10; this prompts him to ask me "Then why does the sign say 35?". I look at him and wonder why I have to be subjected to such stupidity and take a deep breath. "Which sign?" I ask. "The one on the road." he answers. "You aren't on the road." I say. "Oh, you me mean in here? Why is it 10 in here?"
Perhaps I should have counted to ten and taken a good deep breath........... I didn't. "Because I say so and I own the place. The ice is $1.50 a bag and it is inside." I reply as I turn and walk back into the store. It felt good.
I have been painting signs all week . Last night one of my good campers who I have come to look forward to seeing brought a wonderful gift to me. She made a shirt....a custom shirt.....just for me.
If all these signs don't give you an idea of my expectations, then I suppose I will make more!
I love it! Hopefully, your clientele will begin to take notice of the posted signs and rules. We can always hope...
Your yellow signs are much more distinctive than the old ones. Hopefully they'll stand out more and people will actually see them.
Unless someone is new to camping, your campground is not any different that other campgrounds in the aspect of speed limits, speed bumps, etc. It's usually ignorant people who just don't give a crap about rules and will do what they want regardless.
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