The storm broke last night and gave much needed relief from the heat. It is still stormy today, with bouts of lightning and drizzle. I see a car drive up and then suddenly children appear with all manner of pool paraphernalia in hand with swimsuits on! The parents are exiting the vehicle all ready to go out to the pool and sit in abandon as their children splash the afternoon away..... But it is currently raining with low rumbles of thunder and lightning streaking the sky and yet here they come......... Love of my life heads them off and explains to them that the pool is closed due to the weather. "Who knew that on June 11th it would rain!" says the father in astonishment. I want to reply, but restrain myself because it would not be nice and he wouldn't understand anyway.
The last group of two women with some atrocious children yesterday left some interesting debris poolside. They apparently let the children walk through my flower gardens and pick the blooms, scattering them between the lounge chairs at the pool. Capri Suns were on the edge of the pool and in the skimmers. I wish I could staff the pool. Did you know that having a lifeguard will make your liability insurance premiums go up? I already have several families in the community that aren't allowed back to my pool, but they will sometimes slip in with another group and I won't be aware of them until I actually see them in the pool. At that point I don't want to look like an ass by kicking them out.
After the flower picking, one little boy about three tried to climb the gate that separates my private entrance from the store. Gavin's bike and shovel and rake are on my porch along with our shoes and such. He was trying to get to the toys I am sure. Adrienne told him to get off the gate, that she was afraid he would get hurt. The mother was right there watching and saying nothing, so she told him to get off the gate again. The child finally got down, still no help from mom and proceeded to mount the 4 wheeler. Adrienne is nothing if not persistent, so she told him to get off (no niceties involved) that he could not be on it. The little boy just looked at her and told her that he didn't care while the mother still stood looking on. I suppose she thought Adrienne would simply give in or give up. No way. She told the child that she didn't care that he didn't care and to get off. I was surprised that she stopped at that and didn't admonish the mother of the lovely young child!
I admit that I have been known to look at these parents that grace my pool with their unruly offspring and ask them what is wrong with them. Does no good though..... ignorance breeds ignorance. That being said, there are some nice families here and I do enjoy seeing them come out. Today I am thankful for the break the weather is giving me.
So your pool is open to the general public, not just your paying campers? They do pay to use the pool, right?
You need to hire an your daughter. Someone who will give the unruly what they deserve. Then you can just shrug and play good cop.
As I'm just a short drive down the interstate from you, we basically have the same weather. I'm with that dad who said "Who knew that on June 11th it would rain!"
(Although I've only had my air conditioner on for one day, so the rainy weather is good for my electric bill.)
Gabin is so cute!! You must be so proud.
Whoops - I meant "Gavin"
You're right, ignorance breeds ignorance. And common sense isn't all that common. I'm glad some of the people who visit seem to have some manners. Your pool is lovely by the way.
Ellen-Yes we open the pool for the local folks to swim for $2.50 a head. I would say that it pays for the chemicals, but I probably buy more chemical because of them. I am the cheapest pool in the area and yet I am still asked almost every day if I will give a discount.......
Kathy-You would think he would have looked at sky on his way out and seen lightning and realized a trip to a pool was not such a good idea......
LoL-Some of his cousins call him Gabin!
Prism-Yes and they seem to be breeding in abundance of late! My pool is very large and the shallow is only about knee deep to me--great for little ones
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