Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Vet Visit

Gray skies greeted me this morning. You would think I would become accustomed to the dreariness that seems to have enveloped my world. I have not. 

As usual I was dreaming as I lay sleeping that last hour. Dreams are usually elusive and sometimes troubling. I will sometimes spend the day trying to remember my dreams. This morning, though, I woke with a smile on my face. I was dreaming that we were at our cousin's house and every dog I had ever loved was there! Heaven. When I was finally pulled from my dream I was holding my sweet Emmy Lou while surrounded by all the other dogs I have loved and lost.

Maybe I dreamed about dogs because we had an appointment with the vet for vaccinations. All four dogs in one visit. Just go ahead and get it done is my motto. I used to do this sort of thing alone with no problem. I did not even attempt it this time. 

It all started with the putting on of harnesses. Seems Charming Eddie discovered the basket I keep them in and managed to destroy Wall-E's harness. Good thing I always keep back-ups. HeWho was "helping" me started the vehicle while I struggled to get all the dogs harnessed. Cujo stood quietly while I snapped him up, Wall-E searched frantically for a place to hide while Eddie jumped around my feet barking with excitement. Toni Louise kept taking her harness off as I tried to tighten it. By the time I got them into the car I was exhausted.

I live near NOTHING. All four dogs insinuated themselves into my lap as HeWho drove the 25 miles to the vet. In a fit of insanity I had donned a lightweight jacket, what with the temperature being in the 40's. I forgot that HeWho has a love of heat, would have the heater going full blast. I was bathed in sweat when we arrived at our destination.

By then Eddie had managed to remove his harness and had to be redressed. After many instructions, HeWho took two leads and I took two leads and we entered the facility. I picked up Cujo, since he fears the world at large. Charming Eddie was sniffing the air while Wall-e cowered close to HeWho scolded Toni Louise for peeing on the floor. Great first impression. This was our first  visit with the new vet clinic with all the kids in tow. 

Toni Louise , having had her bladder repaired and stitches removed here was quite comfortable with her surroundings. After all, she peed in the reception area floor. I am not quite sure which one pooped near the scales while they were being weighed. I lean toward Wall-E and his anxiety. Cujo stood nicely on the scales and discovered his weight (14.2 lbs) before walking calmly into our assigned room. Wall-E (18.8 lbs) and Toni (20 lbs) were both overweight, while Charming Eddie was perfect at 13 lbs.

They all had their temps taken and next thing we knew, we had two more poops on the floor. Not Cujo, as he was resting quietly in my arms. Cujo was true gentleman when he was examined and given his shots. He never objected to any of the experience, just maintained he stoic expression.

Toni Louise remained in her assigned seat for the ride home, so I only had 3 dogs in my lap and had wisely ditched the jacket. They all had a nice drink of water when we got home and all are taking a nap. I just wish I was included on the nap part.

This has been a long day and I hear rumors of another cold front that might bring snow. Hibernation is sounding good. Just wake up when it is all over and the sun is shining!


Val said...

I am exhausted just from reading about it, but I have managed to resist peeing or pooping on the floor.

Linda O'Connell said...

Where do you get your energy? Your fur babies are up and down and in and out. It wears me out reading about your adventures. I admire you for taking them all at the same time to the vet.