Friday, October 27, 2017

My World

This is the snout that greets my eyes every morning when they flutter open. Toni Louise is a sweet girl, if a little clingy. The eyeball sniffer. She is the dominant one of my little pack. Do not try to monopolize the affections of her master! She will get vicious! She belongs to HeWho rescued her from the pound. She loves him above all others. That does not mean she doesn't appreciate my affections, too.

Of course, Eddie is the baby and takes full advantage of that status. He is happy all the time, enjoying the affections of everyone. At the end of the day, though, he always finds me and snuggles close. Who could not love that face?

These guys are the background. They wait patiently for attention. Cujo is secure in the knowledge that I am his person, his only person. I pray that this dog does not out-live me. He is so very needy. So damaged by life before he became my little guy. He is only content when I am holding him. I hold him a lot.

Wall-E, the curiously homely dog, is the martyr among the pack. He always wants everything to be okay. He loves routine. You could set your clock by this one. He is a patient one, this Wall-E. He waits patiently for me to wake, never nudging or whining. Toni Louise will bark at me! He waits until last to go out and it stresses him when all four dogs don't come in together. He will stand at the back door to remind me that I have forgotten one or two of his fellow canines. He waits until all the others have eaten before he approaches the dish. We have one communal dish for them and they all eat the same food. If a fight breaks out for whatever reason he will bark incessantly until the world is right again. Wall-E is the peace maker.

This is the world I live in. Wouldn't trade it for anything!


Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Your world sounds lovely and those eyes should make all hearts melt

Val said...

Toni Louise is so similar to my Sweet, Sweet Juno. Even her eyes. Not that I want to sniff them. Eddie and Cujo are quite the lookers. And Wall-E is...breathtaking! He looks like he would appreciate a hug.

Naqvee said...

I can pat and caress those heads everyday and every moment! You and your lovelies are in my prayers always. May God bless you.

My Shasta Home said...

What would life be like, without our 4 legged companions? Looks like you have a great life!