Monday, August 15, 2016

To Nair, or Not To Nair .....

Rained all day. A nice gentle rain, cool and refreshing. I binge watched The Young and the Restless and ventured out periodically to pull a few weeds and harvest some things from the garden. Weeding is great when it is raining, the root comes right out with so little effort.

Yesterday we mowed, and mowed and then we mowed some more. At one point in time we had 3 mowers running. The recent rains have the grass growing thick. Even with the blade up a notch, it was still hard to get through. Though the weather was cooler, I was still drenched in sweat after a very long 14 hour day.

I decided to treat myself to a nice long shower while dinner was in the oven. It was leftovers, with cheese on top. HeWho will eat anything with cheese on top and often eats some very creative casseroles made up of vegetables HeWho has sworn he has never and will never eat.

On my way to the shower I made note that my lady mustache and chin whiskers needed some attention. I opened the medicine cabinet and grabbed the Nair (for faces) and saw a bottle of hair removal for legs. This bottle boasted "just spray and rinse".

I confess that I do not remember the year of purchase for this product, but I am pretty sure it was out of date. It smelled like permanent wave solution. Those of you who have had your tresses permanently curled will know what I am talking about. I kept my hair frizzy in the 80's. I administered my own wave and if I was "disappointed" with HeWho is often disappointing I would break out a fresh perm at night, so that my head was really smelly. But, I digress.

I decided to give the leg spray a whirl, since it had the same working time as the Nair on my face. The sprayer clogged up almost immediately, but, I was committed to smooth legs by then. I poured the product into the palm of my hand and applied it to my calves, despite the instructions that forbade me to do so. I did wash my hands immediately, but I am pretty sure that I no longer have fingerprints.

Still committed to the procedure, I stood there, timing the event, stinking to high heaven. Knowing I would be tossing the product, I applied it quite liberally and could feel it starting to slide down my legs. I was getting the cloth all ready to wipe away the offending facial hair when Martha, the boy cat, chose to investigate my whereabouts.

I suppose he was happy to see me, as he began winding through my legs as he always does. First one leg, then the other, and back again. He was smearing the smelly hair remover on his sides!!!

I quickly wiped my face and grabbed the cat and started wiping him down, hoping he would not be bald when I was done. You can all breathe easy. Martha still has hair ..... and so did my legs. I had to shave them after all.


Linda O'Connell said...

Laughing out loud!

Linda O'Connell said...

Laughing out loud!

Val said...

Good news for Martha, bad news for you, I suppose. If only you had left it on overnight for HeWho's benefit...

Anonymous said...

I've never thought of using chemical hair remover, especially on one's face. You are indeed a brave soul.

Joanne Noragon said...

Never had much luck with that stuff myself.