I was just accused of being a racist. A woman came in this afternoon with two children to swim. She was white and the children were black. No matter to me. They went to the pool and I didn't give her or the children a second thought. They had been here for awhile when I went outside and heard water running. The pump had been coming on and off and I wanted to see if a toilet was running and needed a quick fix. Both the showers were going full blast, only hot water and the shower head had been tilted up for maximum flooding of the floor. It was like a sauna and I burned my arm turning the water off.
As the person who pays the bills for the pump that uses electricity to pump the water and the propane to heat the hot water I was pretty pissed off. Not to mention that I had just scrubbed the bathrooms this morning (once a week I do a major scrub down and then I do a daily cleaning the rest of the week) and I was now faced with mopping up a mess that included some wet toilet paper. I went out to the pool and asked who had been in the showers. Dumb stares was all I got. I looked back at everybody (about 20 people) and told them that pranks such as these causes the rates to go up. I went up 50 cents this year and you would have thought I had doubled the price from all the negative comments. Not everyone. Most folks appreciate having a nice place to go and there are new chairs this year.
He who was watching the desk momentarily caught all of my wrath as I came back in to get the mop. He told me he knew who did it, that he saw them go into the restrooms and then heard the water come on. He was working on a problem at the time and didn't stick around, so was unaware that the water was left running. It was the black children. They were the only black children in the pool.
I have made up my mind this year to not simply complain about these situations, but to address them. I was talking to a nice gentleman about a site when the woman who had brought the children came in. She wanted to let me know that she was going to bring her camper and come back tomorrow because it would be a lot cheaper to swim if she just brought a bunch of people in her camper and rented a site. That isn't exactly how it works. I felt a headache inching up the back of my neck as I anticipated explaining that she would have to pay extra for extra people. I didn't really want to address the issue of the water with her while the other customer was in the store........... but I did. At first she told me that they weren't hers and she was going to tell the mother. I explained to her that she had brought them here, and as the adult with them she was responsible for supervising them.
"Are you sure it is not because they are black?" she asked accusingly. Then she told me that she had heard I was a racist! "No, ma'am, it has absolutely nothing to do with the color of their skin. It has to do with the fact that they were not supervised and went into the restrooms and created a mess. If they are not going to be supervised, then I don't want them back here." "Yeah, I heard all about you and it's because they are black. We just won't ever come to this place again." I am okay with that. She went out to find he who was on his tractor moving rock and told him that I had screamed at her. He told her that he was the one who saw the children doing their prank and she called him a liar and a racist. Apparently she has never seen my granddaughters. Irony.
I am happy that I did address this, because she is just the type person that I don't want here at my campground. I do hold some prejudices. We all do. Mine is not skin color, though. I suppose mine is stupidity. Not ignorance. Ignorance is simply not knowing something and is easily corrected by learning. Stupidity is a lifestyle that some choose to live.
The plot thickens............ The mother of the children just called me and told me that she is suing me for discriminating against her children. She is going to take an "ad out in the paper against me". She told me that I had not heard the last of her. Shaking in my shoes. Said she knew her rights. I am privately owned and my literature and registration forms point out that I have the right to refuse service at my discretion. I chose to let that opportunity to educate her simply go. I laid the phone down and let her go on until I heard her hang up.
Like most every one else in the world I dislike confrontations and wish that I could avoid them. I find that if I simply let these things go I end up dealing with the same problem all year. I just hope this doesn't lead to a late night prank. These are the things that disenchant me..........
I hope that's the last you hear from them too! Good riddance.
i echoe scarlethue's sentiments...dont think you are missing much by their business...
I don't know that I could do what you do. I get irritated when my husband makes a mess in our bathroom after I've cleaned it...I don't think I have the fortitude to deal with the messes of the masses and then get yelled at. I think ellen has a point-most of those who threaten don't follow through. Lets hope not. Although maybe the threat of not coming back turns out to be true!
I wish you had a framed pic' of your gorgeous grandkids hanging behind the register just so you could've turned around, pointed and said "Racist? I would like to think my grandkids don't think so."
Some people are dumb.
And a lawsuit? On what grounds? As I said a few days ago - the stupidity it burns. damn.
I would have to think the caller was just blowing smoke - running an ad [if she had the intelligence-ha! and money -double ha! to do it]wouldn't be productive to her anyway as I wouldn't think many locals want to camp close to home and if they did your reputation would trump her stupid ad.
As for retaliation? I have to agree with the rest - they are too lazy to do it and stupid enough to get caught if they did.
Set the doxies on 'em - that'll teach 'em. ;D Hang in there sweetie. I will make it there one day to clean the bathrooms for you.
That is a promise.
Society makes it very easy to play the "race card" these days. It allows people to act like animals and get away with it...
Pshaw! Like that woman was coming back with her camper anyway! I say good on you for confronting the issue and dealing with it the way you did.
good ridance!
Can't add more than what was already said! Agree with everyone and doubt that they will be back. Sad thing is those kids just learned a horrible lesson: I can do what I want and not worry about getting in trouble...
Go Kathy Go! You are so within your rights that you'll need a jackhammer to hack your way out.
Loudmouth entitlement hounds are the worst, and when they fail to take appropriate responsibility and pass on blame instead of offering apologies, that's just the icing on the cake. WHAT has happened to our society?
God forbid you go sideways with any disgruntled minority these days because it will ultimately and always come down to the race card. And here in the South, we have a culture of ignorant white trash that trumps any other overly indulged minority on the planet. It's absolutely NOT about race... it's about class. Or in this case, lack thereof.
You did good! I'm proud of you for standing up and protecting your property and business.
Wait, so must anyone can come swim in the pool? It is not just open to campers?
Racist? That is such a popular word right now, isn't it? Any time any one has to be held accountable for their actions...
I wouldn't worry about these stupid folks. But GAWD it does make for a frustrating day...
Some people just seem to be born with a sense of entiltement. Like the whole world is their personal playground and the rest of us are just in their way.
Wow I don't blame you for feeling disenchanted. I really dislike that race card played all of the time. I know there is racism in this country, but not everyone is racist. To be accused of being one simply because they are being called on a prank takes away from the real racism in this country. And it dilutes the message.
I ditto Ellen.
How awful for you. There are idiots like that in the world everywhere. Unfortunately you had to encounter one on your own property. You did the right thing standing up to her. I suspect she is a troublemaker and nuisance wherever she goes. I doubt this was a one time occurrence for her. She sounds well practiced with her responses. I hope she will be a distant memory soon and you can move on with your business. You did good girl. Stick to your guns!
i'm right there with everyone else. i think pictures of your beautiful grandkids proudly displayed would be a good one, too. i feel for ya...
i too hate the race card being used when it's used just because someone is too lazy and stupid to hold their kids accountable. unfortunately, there is racism still in the world but this is far from that. this is them feeling entitled and they must be held accountable.
Hello Kathy
Theres that old saying - you can't please all of them all of the time, only please some of them some of the time. This woman sounds like a law unto herself, right or wrong I don't think you would be able to please her anytime.
I'm with all the others large photos of the grandkids might make her see sense but then you don't really want her back in the park do you?
Take care
How absolutely ridiculous that a person who is unfit to supervise children can wildly throw around such accusations... You are better off without their business and they are in the wrong, I am sure you'll hear nothing more of it.
Kathy, I do so admire you! I just could not do what you do.
Ugly people never change, regardless of colour.
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