Saturday, July 18, 2009

I Wish I Could Hide

No joke....... if I could sneak away, I would. I am full except for a precious few back-in sites and weary travelers have beaten me down. What I have to offer, they don't want. They don't think that in the middle of Missouri they should be required to make a reservation for just one night.

Okay. I would stick a NO Vacancy sign on the door, but they keep coming. Even if I am outside and tell them I have nothing, they still meander towards me and beg me to find them any thing. I am assured that any thing, any thing at all will do. I relent and let them into the office and fill out the registration and warn them that they will have to back in. The site will not be level. The site will in NO WAY be private and far from all others. They agree. They go. They come back. They want to know if I have any thing else and upon hearing that I don't, want a refund.

I am wasting resources. Pennies for those registration forms are adding up and I am sick of voiding credit card transactions. But more than that they are trying my patience and wasting my time. This smile upon my face is not real people.

The weather is wonderful and I am stuck in here selling candy to loud children. A trio of the unsupervised sort have been in no less than 9 times to tell me that the soda machine outside is not dispensing cans. I can assure you that it is and I have gone out to prove just that. After two free cans that I thought were due them................ I find out they aren't putting money in the machine. Raised by wolves, I guess. I kind of lost it at that point and told them not to come back up to my store unless they had a parent in tow. And, yes I made them pay for the soda.

I think I am tired.....mentally. I want to hide. I think I will as soon as I make that handy dandy sign appear on my door.


ellen abbott said...

My god, Kathy. I don't see how you can do it. Maybe you should look into hiring a teenage during the summer, if for no other reason than to staff the store.

luksky said...

See what happens when we be Mrs. Nice Guy?????

Kathy's Klothesline said...

ellen-remember the gene pool the local teens come from. They can't count change, so I am loathe to leave them with my cash register. I would no doubt lose more money than closing two hours early cost me.

luksky-Mrs Nice Guy? she died and the bad-ass witch took over

Jilly said...

Soon soon soon you will be teaching Gage to drive all over your park. If he accidentally scared the crap out of a few obnoxious people by driving right at them.... well, that wouldn't be your fault at all.
Obviously I'm kidding and will not be sharing that joke with Gage as he will certainly want to do it but hopefully you can picture it in your head and it will make you smile. Love you, see you soon!

Nancy said...

Hang in there - only 6 more weeks of summer!

lovelyprism said...

My in laws travel around in their trailer thingy. They do a camp host bit where they stay for free and help out in the office. Maybe you know someone like that?

Teresa said...

Good Lord Almighty - I feel for you. I think I'd want to slap the living daylights out of some people. I understand the smile not being real. It's probably like when I sometimes say "sure, no problem" and I really mean something on the other end of the spectrum.

I think I would add a sign about taking a non-refundable deposit to cover paperwork and incidental expenses. That might slow some of the morons down on requesting a refund. Maybe...

SJT said...

Poor Kathy. I bet you are looking forward to your family visiting! If we were there, I would MAKE my kids purchase their own soda. I promise.

Hit 40 said...

What little thieves!!! Their parents will be sorry in the long run for raising children to lie!!! I would be horrified if my child tried to rip you off like this.

Leave a no vacancy sign up. Then, do NOT answer the door. Morons!!! It's the middle of summer. You need a reservation.

And... I loved your comment today. I bet she does have a little illegal help at home.

Pat said...

I promise! My husband and I are REALLY WELL BEHAVED campers! REALLY! :)