Sunday, September 15, 2019

Cub Scouts Weekend

We had Cub Scouts for the weekend. A former seasonal kamper is one of the leaders and made the arrangements. Everything was so organized! The kids were very polite and so cute.

 Saturday morning I went out to check on the bathrooms and found a couple of boys waiting to brush their teeth. I told them to use the ladies room, since it was not occupied. The look of horror on the faces!! They declined, telling me that the sign on the door said "WOMEN"!!

Sweet innocence, why can't they stay that way? Kudos to the parents of this group of children. I kept the pool open for them and the weather cooperated for a lovely weekend. And now the pool is closed for the season. Time for a break!


Joanne Noragon said...

I love their little tents set up. Laura belonged to a scout group that camped frequently. I loved the tent pictures.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

I also like the look of the tents
Young ones often don't like the idea of using the other gender's toilets

RunNRose said...

Memories of our grandson's scouting days. And, many times we shared a campground with a group of scouts.
Always a positive experience for all concerned. And, I am glad your dealing with the pool is over for awhile. You have earned a break.
Wonder if you changed the office hours.

Val said...

Even their tents look sweet!

River said...

A perfect ending to the swimming season :)

ellen abbott said...

silly little boys. don't they use the same bathroom at home that their mothers and sister use?

Linda O'Connell said...

Glad you ended on a high note. Usually you have issues with campers. Enjoy the week.

My Shasta Home said...

Such innocence is right. I believe I was in my 50's before I ever actually went into a men's bathroom. LOL

The women's bathroom had a line and another woman I was with watched out for each other.