Wednesday, July 15, 2015

To Be Like Kramer .....

The base cabinets are out! I have no sink and the plumbing is being re-worked by He Who fancies himself to be a plumber .......

Moving and remodeling are high stress situations to be avoided, if possible. These situations will take a toll on relationships, as we all know. I prepped for this day as much as I could given my limited space. Stacking items on the floor is a no-no in our house, as it is governed by a cranky old dachshund who thinks it is necessary to mark anything he deems as new to the area. He has been doing this for nearly 16 years and I doubt he will change just because we are in need of the floor space.

He Who was crabby this morning gave me the stink eye because I was mowing the back yard instead of finishing the unloading of cabinets. Heat index will be 105 today and I wanted to take advantage of the cooler air in the morning, knowing I could tackle the cabinets as soon as I finished my yard duties. Besides, I had already unloaded one set of cabinets he could be working on ......

Anyhoo ..... we discovered one of the problems with the recent flooding of my kitchen was that the drain from the sink was not plumbed correctly. Water flows downhill, what with gravity being what it is and all. The odd thing is that He Who plumbs is the one who did it. So this means that for the past 10 years, water has been slowly seeping into the base cabinets. But, wait, there is more. When the new roof was installed, it came to the attention of She Who is very observant, that every time we had  significant rainfall, it resulted in a puddle in the floor.

He Who does not like to be corrected would often blame this on Oscar, the cranky old dachshund. I would then point out to him that the puddle was huge, bigger than my little guy's bladder could possibly hold. Given our recent rainfall, the situation has been such that even He Who would appear to be oblivious to the condition of the floor ( I am She Who mops), could not ignore it.

I just hope that I have a sink in by nightfall! If not I will be like Kramer, washing the supper dishes as I shower.


Joanne Noragon said...

There are a universe of "He-whos" out there. For almost thirty years I lived with a shower that drained uphill. As a result, when I remodeled last fall, I paid an extra several thousand dollars for a new sub-sub floor. The one where you can look into the basement. I am not suggesting we raise a glass in their honor.

Val said...

You could make your supper in there too, you know. While you shower. Just make sure He Who puts a garbage disposal in your bathtub.

Linda O'Connell said...

I did dishes in the shower for three months while my ex "he who" and his buddy dawdled remodeling the kitchen. Of course I wasn't bathing me, just the dishes.