Thursday, October 4, 2012

Just Wondering

The full moon of the past weekend kept me from sleeping through the night. I have a blackout shade on the window, but I KNOW it is out there and wake from a dream filled, fitful sleep only to peek behind the shade to see the giant orb mocking me. Even through a foggy haze, the man in the moon is watching.

Besides sleep interruptions, the full moon phase seems to bring out incidents that would leave you wondering how some people make it through life.

Sitting there at my desk, wishing the day away. A man knocks at the door. I call out that we are open, but have to actually get up and open the door for him. He stands right inside the door, poised for easy escape as I ask if I can help him, all the while doubting that I can.

"I wanted to see what this place is all about ....... the sign says you have a store." I tell him that he is in the store. He swivels his head from side to side from his stance there at the door and says, "Oh." 
I ask if there is anything in particular that I might be able to help him find and he answers in the negative. "Do you rent out spaces?" he asks. "Well, yes, this is a campground." I reply, all the while thinking that he read the sign at the entrance to the park and picked up on the "store", so he must have seen the campground part. It was in bigger print, after all.

"Oh, well, I am from Illinois, I didn't know." I am temporarily dumbstruck and just sort of stare at him as he turns and exits the store. Does "campground" mean something different in Illinois? Am I wrong in assuming that the state of Illinois speaks English, just like all the other states in the union? Just wondering.


Erik's RV Blog said...

He must be from Chicago or some other city...

Brian Miller said...

lol...the full moon def brings out the wackos...used to be my busiest time when i was still doing counseling...

Joanne Noragon said...

Travel fatigue. Certainly hasn't figured out his next move.

Hillbilly Mom said...

OK. That's creepy. Like he wanted to see the inside of your store/home, and needed an excuse. So he had those questions ready.

Or he could have simply been a not-very-bright guy who only recognized the word "store", and wanted more info. I have a suspicious nature.

Linda O'Connell said...

Casing the joint. He'll be back for candy.

meg said...

The world is full of 'lunatics' ....luckily most of them/us, are harmless. Lol.

mamahasspoken said...

The full moon brings out the crazies every time.....

Teresa said...

LOL... people are so weird sometimes.

Pat said...

Hey! I'm from Illinois! I think I'm half-sane! :) I'm wondering if he just focused on the word "store" on your sign and was expecting a bigger one, like a grocery store. Who knows? He was probably tired, and yeah, I'm sure the full moon DOES bring out crazies, from IL and other states as well!