Friday, October 12, 2012

Jack Frost Lurking

Storms hung out all day, then the sun finally broke through as it was setting. I stood looking out my back door to the east as the sun was lighting the trees.

The forecast was for frost. So I went out in the cold wind and gathered my tomatoes. This is not all of them. As they ripen I am making sauce and freezing batches for winter soups and stews. The frost did not make it and the tomatoes continue to grow on the bushes. Everyday I gather more. Most of them are cherry tomatoes and I am forcing cupfuls on total strangers.

The skeleton bride is filling in for me at the book table while I process tomatoes and wait for Jack Frost.


Linda O'Connell said...

Love that skeleton bride. That's anovel approach :)

Val said...

Whoa! I thought those krazy kampers had prematurely aged you!

Joanne Noragon said...

Those cherry tomatos are real little buggers, aren't they. Even if I did not plant them they came up anyway, volunteers carrying on and forcing me to find homes or waste them.

Brian Miller said...

ha careful she may scare away your customers....smiles..

mamahasspoken said...

Guess the bride has been waiting a long time for someone to come ;o)

Pat said...

I love the skeleton bride watching over the books!

I am mailing a check today for a signed copy!