Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Mum's The Word

My mum mound is impressive. I posted pictures of the yellow side in a previous post, this is the red side. Now I am wondering what it would have looked like if I had mixed the colors up. This represents 11 plants.

I kind of did that (mix colors) here, bit didn't plant them close enough. Not nearly as impressive. Maybe I should slip some more small plants in between these ..... but what color?

The red ones always bloom last and I see a weed I did not notice until I looked at this picture. Soon to be a dead weed.

This is a new plant I splurged on. I usually buy rescue plants that would appear to be on death's door. But Mr. Scarecrow wanted something better.

The weather forecast was for a very warm week with temperatures in the high 70's and low 80's. That's all I heard. I was so happy and began planning a week of outdoor activity in my mind. Even though I awoke with a headache and sore joints I was determined to fulfill my gardening goals yesterday. The sun shone briefly as I began weeding the garden with the impressive mums. Every 20 minutes or so the sky would darken and I would expect to feel a raindrop. I stayed on task and exceeded the goal I set for myself.

I was gifted a huge bag of lily bulbs (thanks, April!) on Sunday. They will be neon orange, I am told. Safety color. I toyed with the idea of planting them around each and every hydrant in the park, since a camper managed to hit one this weekend. No, this hydrant is not encroaching the driveway. There was a huge boulder and one of my tree stumps I like to landscape with in front of the hydrant. Clearly visible. The hope was that if you hit the boulder, you would STOP to avoid damage to your rig and not drag said boulder over the hydrant and drag it 20 feet.

The hydrant may appear to be intact. It is not. The water  line has snapped way down under ground. And that temporary conduit on top of the ground is not the water line you insist is okay. It is, in fact, a conduit with electrical wires going to the breaker box nearby. When you dragged the boulder over it you crushed it, leaving the lines exposed.

I saw you leave as I was sweeping the entrance to the store. You were clearly exceeding the posted speed limit in your effort to get out. I have your information. Do you recall filling out that handy dandy registration? Of course, when I saw you leaving and waved, I was unaware of the little surprise you had left in your wake. So, when you returned the call from us, I was not open to your condescending attitude as you tried to tell me that you had done nothing more than rearrange the landscaping and act as if I had no idea about the way "things" work. Me being a woman and all.

Funny thing is that now your wife would appear to be handling the incident with my husband. After your request for my insurance information, I was done. I understand you sustained a good bit of damage to your rig and I am sorry, but I am not liable for your lack of driving skills.

The rain came as the sun was going down last night. It is still raining now. The temperature is perfect and I am stuck here inside while longing to be outdoors readying my gardens for a long winter's nap. Guess I will just take a nap myself!


Sextant said...

Cathy, are your boulders jumping in front of vehicles?

This guy wants your insurance to fix his rig? Amazing!

Maybe he works for the City of New York.

A police car hit and killed a pedestrian. The city sent the dead man a bill for the damage to the police car.

Brian Miller said...

um, maybe he should learn how to drive....on a positive note, your mums look beautiful...smiles.

mamahasspoken said...

He hits your rock and then wants YOUR insurance? Bet he'll change his story when you send him the bill for all the damage he did!
Love your mums, mine all died a few years back and I've never replaced them. Hum, maybe this year.....

Kathy G said...

It never ceases to amaze me how bold some people can be!

I cut the grass last night after work because there was a slight chance of rain. Imagine my surprise when the rain came and stayed around for six hours.

joanne said...

your mums do look fantastic! I've never thought of looking for the sick isle at the Wal...I will keep it in mind.

Linda O'Connell said...

Your mums give me a feeling of joy. I love the brilliant colors,a nd I also like that touch of green little weed. Sorry about the hydrant. PEOPLE!

luksky said...

Your mums are beautiful! I love mums and buy some every fall, but this year mine don't seem to be doing well and neither are anyone elses it doesn't seem. I think it's just too hot for them yet.