Thursday, April 16, 2009

Senior Discount

I continued to miss my dog as I took advantage of a sunny morning and worked the vegetable garden. I kept expecting to see him laying in the grass by the maple tree, watching me hoe and weed. Miss him.

My raised beds are looking good now that I have removed all the weeds. I flipped my compost bin and found some lovely fertile soil to add to my beds and planted my early peas. We have had a lot of rain and I was not a pretty sight after two hours of playing in the dirt. Even though it was still cool outside I was sweating and looking forward to a nice hot shower........ Love of my life turned off the water for some project or other. The phone was ringing and I took the reservation with my dirty hands. I couldn't touch anything else. My hands were quite literally caked in mud. I wanted to get some things done......

Inspiration finally struck and I "washed " my hands in cold coffee. At least I smelled good. While I waited for water I piddled around the office, sweeping and filing, and waiting. After an hour of this Drew appeared and wondered about lunch. "Umm, no water..." I say. Then he tells me the water has been on for a long time! So, I strip and get in the shower, turn the on the faucets and .... no water. He has, of course, left the building to go do what it is he does at his beloved sanctuary, the "barn". So, I call him. " Oops, I forgot to turn the water on to the main building." Oops, indeed. Finally I get my morning ritual out of the way and prepare the feast for the man.

So, I was slightly irritated as I went into town to run errands. I stopped at the library, dropped off my over due books as inconspicuously as possible and paid my 15 cents. The librarian is a schoolmarmish type who will tsk disapprovingly and I wasn't in the mood for it. As it is, I live outside the city limits and have to pay an annual fee for the privilege of using the library. She was on the phone, but she did manage to give me a look. I have often wondered if she checks the accounts to see who has an over due book. I am glad that she has found a job she so obviously is well suited for; but, geez, get a life!

From there I went to the Alco (Wal Mart wanna be) and perused the "As Seen On TV" aisle and checked out the clearance items. Saw nothing I couldn't live without and went on to the grocery. They had Dr. Pepper product on sale. It was cheaper than I can get it from my vendor so I bought a dozen cases to fill the outside machine. I picked up a few other items (they double coupons) and went to the checkout. I was loading my cart and thought that the total got lower before the young gentleman (kid) scanned the coupons. But then I thought maybe it was the cases of soda...maybe it rang at the regular rate and then took the discount? I didn't give it any more thought.

Thinking I was so smart I got the hand truck to unload the soda and take it around the building to the machine. Yep, I was one smart cookie. I piled it all on the hand truck, then moved my car from the front of the building. As I tilted the truck with it's mega load back, I discovered a flat tire. Not to be deterred I drug it around the building anyway. It wasn't easy and I almost lost my load several times. After I filled the machine I went on to price the rest of the merchandise. Most of it I remembered what I had paid, but I had to consult the receipt for an item and discovered at the bottom of the receipt just before the coupon senior citizen discount. He didn't even ask! Boy, I must have looked.... well, old.


Hit 40 said...

I want a senior discount. I feel that old! Does this count? I had a rough few year with my health. I feel like 70?

Anonymous said...

Hey my Mom and stepfather LOVE getting their senior discount. So much so that my Mom asked me to pick her up a cup of coffee for her from McDonald's when I was on the way over to her house. She then said "Make sure you get the senior coffee!!" Yeah that wasn't going to work with me benig 30 asking for that! (LOL)


scarlethue said...

My mom is waiting patiently for her discount. I just know she's going to insist on paying for all our shopping trips (with me paying her back for my items in cash) just so she can feel like she's saving money, even if it's not hers. She's only got a few more years.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

The age for the discount in this particular store is 65..... I'm 55 and have been told I don't look that old......

Nancy said...

LOL!! It hasn't happened to me .... yet. But the other night we were out to dinner with my daughter and her family when the waiter said he had to see everyone's ID. So (kinda serious) I asked if that meant me as well - he sort of looked askew and said no ... not really.

My question - did he have to screw his face up in that way when he answered?

Jerry said...

A useful website for senior discounts if travelling to the UK is

lovelyprism said...

Oh my gosh! I would have been so mad lol. Not too long ago I bought a pair of shorts and the cashier told me congratulations. I could not figure out what for until I got home and realized the shorts I had picked up on the clearance rack were a size medium... maternity. Lucky I didn't realize what he was talking about while I was still in the store, surely I would have slapped him.
Next time the librarian makes a comment, tell her your overdue fees are your charitable contribution to the library and smile. She won't think it's funny, but I will. :-)