Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Doggy Dandruff


Most of the snow has melted. Mr. BoJangles loved the snow. He is sad that it has all gone. I take that back! This little guy is never sad. Always happy for a new day no matter what it may bring. He tried to move the boulder. He still does not realize just how small he is. I think he wanted to get into the dirt that lay underneath the boulder and see what other animals may have left some DNA behind for his sniffing pleasure.

I am slow moving today. Just the normal creaky joints, but I am feeling lazy. Like somebody switched my coffee to decaf. Being Monday, the phone has been annoying all morning. A call to thank me for choosing Marriot, another to wipe out my student loans and yet another to offer me a med-alert contract. Never stay at hotels, we have always had an RV so that our dogs can go with us. Wonder how I got on that list of calls. No student loans to speak of, but do I need the contract that would allow me to shout "Help, I've fallen and I can't get up" to receive a bunch of strangers to my aide?

It is nice and quiet here. No other sounds to hear than the tapping of the keys on the laptop. All 5 animals contently napping around me. Cujo snugged up next to me, Eddie and Bo next to him. Eddie's head  my lap with Bo cuddled in the "v" of his two older brothers. Toni Louise, having had her cuddle time with me already is on the ottoman with my feet. Martha, the fat old man cat is perched in the dog bed on the floor, contentedly washing his face and looking quite smug for having stolen the bed.

Here, take a look! Eddie is protecting his little brother. Is this not the sweetest thing you have ever seen? Eddie is the epitome of gentle! 

This is a close up. Eddie has a kind face, don't you think? Bo is sweet when he is sleeping. The slightest noise will bring him form a dead sleep to attack mode. 

I know I should get up ..... there is plenty to do. I am happy to report that Eddie and Toni Louise are mostly itch-free. Toni has one patch of flaky skin on her back where she can't reach. It is in the healing stage. Eddie is back to normal, all of his flakiness is gone. I have been relieved of the strenuous bathing schedule. It was the dog treats. My dogs are allergic to wheat! The number one ingredient in the treats. Soon as I cut the store- bought treats from their diet they started to clear up.

The food they have been on for the past few years is grain free. The freeze dried food that was crazy expensive didn't help because of the dog treats and the fact that HeWho loves his pets thought they should have as many treats as they begged for. Now we are having different treats. They love apples and carrots. Sweet potatoes and green beans, as well. And, of course, peanut butter. Think how much money I will save! No more cute looking treats that are mostly flour and food coloring. They loved them and HeWho did make sure they were manufactured in the USA, he just didn't read the ingredients. To be fair, neither did I until recently. I just didn't consider the treats to be a substantial part of their diets until I realized just how many treats they were getting.

So, all is well in my little claustrophobic world. My RV parts have still not arrived. I find this baffling, since I can order something and have it arrive with-in a matter of days, sometimes, the very next day. Without the part in question, we would not be able to put the slides out, or use the automatic leveling device. The slides make such a huge difference in comfort. We could still make a trip, as long as we parked on fairly level ground and left the slides in. It would be hard to move around inside and I trip over the dogs in open space, since they all prefer to be in my company. Such is life. I must get up and put real clothes on, as it is almost noon ....


Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

I do like your posts they make me laugh, cry and thing bloody oath

Joanne Noragon said...

My sister taught her dogs that treats are raw veggies. It worked so well we had to keep the dogs out of the garden to save our produce. And potatoes. They both were potato thieves.

River said...

I love the photos of Eddie and Bo snuggled together. I wondered if my Lola was allergic to something in her food. She regularly scratches great patches of skin into bleeding sores, but it's a seasonal thing with her and goes along with her migraines from early spring to late summer. I am thinking of getting her tested to find out just what the allergy is, but the vet says it's pretty expensive and there may be multiple allergies. so we'll just plod along as we have been, fine all autumn and winter, then 4-5 vet visits for shots during the allergy months.
I'm very glad your dogs wheat allergies were discovered and they are much more comfortable now. I hate seeing pets miserable, I'd much rather have them happy all the time.

Val said...

That IS a sweet picture. But the first thing in my mind was not that Eddie was protecting Bo. It was: "Oh, look. Eddie is using Bo as a pillow."

Marla said...

So sweet! I was so happy to find you still here writing. It was like running into a long-lost friend you thought you might never see again. I'm going to do some catch-up reading now.

PS....Tell your daughter I, for one, wish you were still writing your sexy blog. hahaha