Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Wall-E Goes To The Dentist!

Spring has arrived with a vengeance! Too many chores have challenged me lately. It is the mad rush to get the grounds ready and stock the store. Thank goodness for work campers!

Today was an off day for me. Wall-E had to be at the vet's clinic by 7:30 for his dental appointment. No, I did not do the transport. I very graciously offered to pick him up and let HeWho "volunteered" take him.

Wall-E is not fond of travel, he is a homebody. He better get with the program since we plan to live on the road in our golden years. He knew something was up when I made him don his harness. We had a very restless night last night, then I was afraid to go back to bed when the dogs woke me at 5:30. I was worried that HeWho drives would not wake up. He set his cell phone to jolt him out of the bed. It rang THIRTEEN times. Mainly because I was not in the bed to poke him in the side.

He woke, he dressed, filled his bubba mug with diet coke and hit the road, Wall-E in tow, for the 25 mile trip to the vet. A woman would never do that! It was pretty somber after they left. The remaining three dogs were worried. They are used to going to vet together and were not happy to be minus one. I sipped my coffee, as I put the second coat of paint on some shelves, then showered and dressed. The phone rang constantly during this time. Wall-E's blood work was good, except for an elevated white count that made further testing necessary. The vet tech said it could be heartworms which did nothing to elevate the mood in my house. Wall-E is almost 11 years old. A senior citizen of the canine variety.

I decided to head out a couple of hours early to run some errands and the vet called again while I drove to let me know that Wall-E was awake and resting peacefully and would be ready to go home in about 3 hours. Then she told me the price tag attached to the visit. $500. I miss my old vet. To say that she was reasonable is an understatement. Wall-E whined all the way home. A high pitch than makes the tiny hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. He is 8 teeth lighter and had has a dazzling smile now, not to mention his very short toenails.

We are all resting better now that Wall-E is back with his pack. The vet called this evening to go over his after treatment with me and assured me that heartworms are not what he is looking for. The white count was only slightly elevated, indicating an intestinal parasite that will require nothing more than a worm treatment.

I blame Martha, the giant boy cat. It must be the chunks of  rabbits, squirrels and birds that he constantly brings into the back yard to offer as gifts to his canine buddies. Martha is sleeping the morning away, cherishing the comfort of my bed until I scoop him up and move him to make it. Martha started on a new cat food this week, a healthy weight formula. I don't know that it will help, since he feels free to supplement his diet with all manner of fresh meat! I don't know how much he weighs, but I can assure you that he weighs more than any of his animal pack. Wall-E tips the scales at 20 lbs. and I imagine Martha is at least 22.


Val said...

Martha is certainly an overly-healthy specimen! Poor Wall-E. I wouldn't wish the dentist on anyone. Hope he gets over his parasites quickly. He probably doesn't even feel sick.

Joanne Noragon said...

Martha certainly is a big boy! But then, so is my lazy indoor fellow.

Linda O'Connell said...

Poor little buddy and that big old Marty the boy cat is a huge!