Sunday, October 12, 2014

Flu Shot

I stood at the door looking out on my soggy parking lot as I listened to the coffee maker do it's special thing. A fifth wheel sat idle in the exit drive and the driver came round the back and began replacing the huge rocks he ran over with considerable effort, looking back from time to time. Guess he was wondering if anyone had witnessed his error in turning. Let me explain right now that the driveway is plenty wide and the parking area behind is huge. An 18 wheeler can make the turn without disrupting my garden.

I realized that I simply did not care. I cleaned the muddy mess in my bathrooms yesterday and simply did not care. I witnessed a Dodge Ram pick-up truck violating my 10 mph speed limit and said nary a word. The children in the park are the would be bomb making terrorists and I did not feel particularly protective towards them. I figured they should have a fleeing instinct since they are practicing to live outside the law.

Nothing seems important. Nothing tastes good. No activity appeals to me. It must be the flu shot.

While the debate of flying versus driving is still on-going, I went in for my semi-annual check-up. Only because my re-fills were out and I wanted to make sure I had a three month supply before I go back to Georgia. I love my nurse practitioner in my primary care clinic. Hate the doctor, but that is another tale to tell. She was concerned about some of my "symptoms" and sternly admonished me about not having my mammogram done this year. We talked about my dad's cancer and that I was planning a trip back to Georgia. She insisted that I have a flu shot, especially if I planned to fly.

I don't like flu shots. No, I am not afraid of needles. I just don't like the idea of injecting a virus into my body. I explained all this and she totally disagreed with me and convinced me to get the shot. Last time I had a flu shot was 40 years ago. It made me so sick. I was working in the ER in the hospital and the shot was a requirement. But, I remember just how crappy I felt and that 7 months later I gave birth to twins.

If that happens again, I will be very upset.


Joanne Noragon said...

I have heard flu shots can do that to you. I avoid them myself.

Travels with Emma said...

Being over 65, I got the super duper flu shot on Friday. Felt like crap yesterday, and I didn't even eat any green apples. ;)

Linda O'Connell said...

I had one flu shot several years ago and had upper respiratory infections all winter. My dentist said he did, too. We both agreed that we will never do that again. However, now that I've had shingles, I think maybe I should, since my immune system is low.

If I end up pregnant...!

Val said...

Seeing as how I am sneezed and breathed upon by upwards of 100 students per day, I always get a flu shot. The Pony got one Thursday at the pharmacy.

I must report that this year, all either of us had was a bit of arm muscle discomfort for about eight hours. I had a big knot, but that was my blood-thinner's fault.

I do not expect either of us to have twins as a side effect.

joanne said...

I should say so! If that happens, though, you will be a rich woman. Nevertheless, I wouldn't take that side effect at this miserable age. Had my flu shot, a vitamin b shot and a cortisone shot on Friday, feel much the same way...blah.

ellen abbott said...

I've never had a flu shot myself relying instead on a strong immune system. plus, I'm not around people that much.