Friday, November 9, 2012

Struck Speechless, Not Really

Just when I think I have heard all the absurdities in the world.

"Do you have a dispense station for doggie poop bags?" No, I don't. Most stores carry them, but if you are out of bags, I have some WalMart bags ....

"Oh, no, I have plenty. I just wanted to stock up if you had a station here." What? What????? This woman isn't even a guest here. She stopped here to let her dog relieve himself. And, I suppose to steal necessities. Shall I just fix her up with toilet tissue and paper towels, too? You know, so she won't have to actually go to the trouble of stealing them from the restrooms. A goody bag of campground condiments, if you will.

I was dumbstruck for only a second. Then I said, "You do realize that is stealing, don't you?" She looked appalled that I would suggest such a thing and informed me that they were free, provided by the state, for state parks. She went on, indignantly, to say that I was acting like I bought the supplies myself!

There she stood looking down her nose at me and I sort of lost it. "Just what is the name of this state park?" I asked. She told me and I responded that her first clue that she was in the wrong park would have been the numerous signs she passed as she drove into my park. The signs that do NOT have the name of the state park on them. I also pointed out that she had not stopped at the STOP sign and that she totally disregarded the sign that says all visitors must check in at the office. I knew all this, because I was outside working when she pulled in. I went on to inform her that I did indeed purchase the supplies for my park and that she was on private property. I then instructed her to scoop up her poop and take it with her when she left, that I also paid for the dumpster located on my private property. She had already made use of my facilities to relieve herself and I wanted to demand payment for that, but felt like I might be pushing it. 

I followed her as she cleaned up her pet's leavings. I used this opportunity to educate her and told her that the supplies in the state parks were paid for by taxpayers and that she was a leech on society. I was on a roll and couldn't seem to help myself.

I don't think she will entertain thoughts of camping here. Not that I would want her to ....... she did not flush the toilet.


Brian Miller said...


so you had a bit of fun setting her really should video these....smiles.

mamahasspoken said...

Sounds about right, so many thinking that it's free without thinking about who REALLY pays for those items >:/

Joanne Noragon said...

It feels so good when you're the righteous once. I had such a moment myself last week. Sadly, it's unbloggable. Unless I'm pushed...

Hillbilly Mom said...

Why am I thinking "Towanda!" from Fried Green Tomatoes?

Kudos to you for haranguing her! I'm sure nobody ever short-changes YOU for twelve cents, and gets away with it. ;)

Pat said...

The stupidity of some people just surprises me. Or ignorance. Or both. And the fact that this person didn't even flush the toilet? Yuk! I'm glad you told her off and told her where to stick it! Be gone with her!

P.S. I received the book the other day; Had the wrong street name...something like EastWOOD instead of EastVIEW, but it still got to me, probably a few days later. Thanks!

RVVagabond said...

One would hope that you at least made her think, but then again, someone who can't clean up after herself much less her pet is pretty much a lost cause. Yay for you for standing up for yourself and your campground.

ellen abbott said...

good for you. people get away with that shit because nobody confronts them with it though I doubt she will stop. she'll just not try it at your place again.

Jeff said...

Some people's children... as they say!

Linda O'Connell said...

Another knucklehead at. I am so glad you set her straight. The nerve of some people!

Anonymous said...