Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Five Minutes Ago

I am feeling no worse, although not really better. I wait to either feel better or a whole lot worse. Limbo.

While lingering here in limbo I have become addicted to LMN. Watching one sappy movie after another. When I encounter one I have already seen, I skip over to Dateline ID for a dose of bloody murder scenes and court drama. Animal Cops is also a favorite. Toni Louise loves that one and will watch it with me.

Now, lest you envision me on the love seat in my jammies with my pillow and a maid servant delivering endless cups of herbal tea at my pleasure, please know that I am ambulatory and maintaining a level of order in my home. That means I am still cooking and cleaning, just spreading it out and resting in between.

I am sleeping better and did not grace the TV with my attention until 9 this morning. I was savoring my one cup of coffee and watching some mindless drivel on a morning news show and checking my e-mail. The phone rang.

I arose from the comfort of warm dogs and went into the office to find the handset. Local number. I answered and found myself locked in conversation with a man claiming to be a very close friend of my husband. "We go way back." he tells me.

I am always a bit skeptical of those who would claim to be so close with my husband ...... wouldn't I know them, too? This man is not drinking coffee. He is a drummer and his band just released an album and he is on tour. He is home for the holidays and wants to "interpret" to my husband what being on the road is like.

He blathers on and on and I find it difficult to break into his monologue as I try to end the call. I have been told that I am a master of changing the subject. It is a well known fact that you cannot out talk a drunk and I have met my match. I know too much about this man's life on the road already and tune him out as he recites his upcoming itinerary. Finally, after promising that I will relay his message he ends the call with "I love you, honey."

I called he who tows. I did not want him to miss this opportunity for interpretation of a drummer on tour. He laughed. The man is a mere acquaintance and starts drinking beer upon awakening. I wonder how many others he tried to engage in conversation before he got me ....... I made note of the number on caller ID and I will not be held captive for five minutes again!


Kathy G said...

I LOVE reading your stories! Hope you're back to completely normal soon.

Brian Miller said...

haha you probably made his day though you know...he found an ear and wouldnt stop til he ran out of words...

Val said...

My grandma used to get calls from inmates at a local prison. One of the perks of having a last name near the top of the alphabet, I suppose. She would chat with them for their allotted time. It never occurred to her to refuse the calls. Then again, she worked at the state mental hospital on the night shift. I suppose she liked the verbal companionship while winding down from a hard night's work. They were always polite and respectful, she said.

Hope you get to feeling better.

mamahasspoken said...

There comes a time when butting the phone down comes in handy. Don't hang up, they'll call back, just set the phone, while on, down and come back later.
This also works on MIL's that wont' let you off the phone either. Yes, yes, I've done this before...

Linda O'Connell said...

The dude is probably down the highway and looking for dinner.

kenpratt said...

Hope you are feeling better soon. I am right there with you. Limbo it a good way to describe it..

Pat said...

You could be a groupie! :) And you're way ahead of the game - he already loves you!

Hope you feel better soon!