Sunday, December 23, 2012

Doomsday Decor

The weather has limited my activity lately. It is cozy and warm in here with the wood stove, but my sewing room is freezing. Okay, maybe not freezing, but my fingers and toes get cold. I wear long underwear and lots of layers, but it inhibits movement and creativity.

So I can justify sitting here in front of the TV, playing on the computer. While on Jigidi, putting puzzles together and exploring all my channels on Dish, I discovered Doomsday Preppers on NatGeo. Dreamed about my bunker full of food last night.

One family on this show had enough canned food stockpiled to eat for a year, while another showed how to filter your urine to drink should you not have water. He even took a sip for the camera. His wife did, too and then they toasted ....... with his filtered urine. Reality TV. Really.

The family with all the canned goods was a man, wife and small child. The cans were institutional sized. Is that practical? Will they have refrigeration available in their bug-out bunker (or, hidey-hole, as I prefer to call it)? Are they planning a party for all their doomsday prepper friends? Will they just hope for the best and eat that one can until it is gone? Do they realize how much corn is in that giant can?

On the plus side, they could always use those cans to raise the bed off the floor. They could create shelving using the cans ........ empty cans or full cans.

Another family had pre-cut plywood to fortify their house against looters. They had some cans of food stockpiled, but in regular sized cans. The ammunition, though, required an entire walk-in closet. I suppose with their arsenal of weapons, procuring food won't be a problem, especially if they loot the family with the industrial sized cans.

I think maybe I should have my own reality show,  using the necessities of stock piling survival goods with creating ways to employ those items in home decor, um, bunker decor. Maybe. Someone would watch. For sure.


mamahasspoken said...

I've tried watching that show before, couldn't make it pass five minutes of it. If some reason, I need a stash like that, I hope to die quickly. Yes, I've told my family this is my survivor plan.......

Brian Miller said...

doomsday preppers...reality is sometimes rather bizarre....ha...hope you have a merry christmas...

Joanne Noragon said...

I cannot do reality, but I can spend a Sunday afternoon with HGTV or history or biography, or the movie channel. Yea, old movies.

Val said...

Of course I watch that show when I run across it. It's not like I know when it's on every week. One couple canned all their food in jars. Chicken. Beef. Who wants to eat meat out of a jar? Not me.

So...they had all these jars on shelves from floor to ceiling in an old freight container. Just sitting there. I'm not sure what disaster they were preparing for, but I remember thinking one good earthquake tremor would destroy their stash.

ellen abbott said...

that's a very weird mindset.

why don't you get yourself a little electric heater for your sewing room?

luksky said...

I have a little floor heater I keep in my sewing room when it's cold.

Mike said...

I prefer my urine unfiltered. It's a little too watered down for my tastes otherwise. lolol
Merry Christmas!


We just got DISH & truly dug the Monty Python marathon, today.