Sunday, August 19, 2012

Crowing About Apples

See the crows? Eating my apples!

 They don't seem to care that I am approaching them. Eating my apples.

Taking their own sweet time walking away from the tree. Eating my apples.

Patriotic wind chimes. I had them in the peach tree and it helped. Now, let's see if the crows will return. And eat my apples.

A crow free apple tree. The apples are ripening fast. I usually don't have apples until September. I haven't finished with all the peaches. I keep giving them away, but I still have a bushel left. I made 4 cobblers this weekend and gave them all away. Then I made zuchinni pineapple muffins with my abundance of squash.


joanne said...

stoopid crows! and yes, I know how to spell. Too bad you can't get some of those lovely peaches out here to me we are still waiting for them to arrive in this area. Stoopid.

Brian Miller said...

ha they get my pears as well...that and the wood bees....and the dear my grapes....the low hanging one at least....nothing we have tried deters them...

mamahasspoken said...

I hate crows.
I fill my feeders and the crows come and chase all the other birds away. Glad to see you are giving some of them their just rewards ;o)

Joanne Noragon said...

I can't think of anything cheerful to say about crows. Grab the apples and run.

Linda O'Connell said...

You are going to have a bumper crop...if the crows stay away.