Friday, March 2, 2012

The Wonders of Wall-E

 I would seem to be on a dog trend lately. I do spend a lot of time with my four-legged friends. Some of you have asked about pictures of Toni Louise. When I posted that particular story, the Internet was unhappy and spotty. Could have been the ferocious winds, could have been Blogger being finicky ..... who knows. The picture above is Oscar and Wall-E. They are grooming each other. This is a daily event. Every evening the four dogs gather together to have their faces washed. I call it a lick-a-thon.

This is a recent photo of Toni Louise. It is not very often that she will be still long enough to get a good shot.

He, who prefers Jif, sometimes has to partake of a different brand. The brand I keep in the store for hungry travelers. At the end of the season we have to use the items left in the store, lest they exceed their "sell by" date. This jar was pretty much empty and since Toni decided to destroy her kong that I usually fill with peanut butter ...... I just gave her the jar (it is plastic). This kept her busy for almost three days. She took it outside and I witnessed her racing round and round with it stuck on her nose. I was afraid that she was actually stuck, but continued to watch. She tossed it off and then stuck her nose in again and starting running in circles. She can entertain herself .......

But ...... Wall-E reminded me that I have recently blogged about all the dogs, except him. Wall-E is the peace maker. He is the sensitive guy. While Toni craves adventure, Wall-E worries incessantly about consequence. His caution seems to grow daily. He is sensitive and seems to know when I am sad and in need of some extra attention. He will sit next to me and nose his way under my hand until I am petting his sweet little head. Studies have shown that petting an animal will actually lower your blood pressure.

Wall-E came to us from my grandson, Gavin. Gavin and Wall-E share a very special relationship. When Gavin comes here, Wall-E abandons us to be Gavin's dog. He goes back to his first love ...... his boy. I love to see them together and would have given the dog back to Gavin when he moved into his new house. I love the dog, but I love Gavin more. He who is smitten with Wall-E could not part with him.

Wall-E has grown up here at the kampground. We have had him for three years and it is true that he would miss his pack mates. That was the excuse Papa used. The truth is that Papa could not bear the thought of losing the only animal we have ever had that prefers him to me. Wall-E lets him live with that illusion, anyway.

Wall-E is a smart little guy. He likes to greet customers, but is polite and reserved. He wrote letters to his boy until we delivered a tiny white ball of fur named Max to Gavin. Max looks surprisingly like Wall-E and now his boy has a pet to love. Wall-E writes letters to Max now. Advice on how to avoid getting into trouble. You can read Wall-E's words of dog wisdom at and Gavin would tell you how he happens to be able to share his thoughts. He whispers in Gramma's ear and she types.


Brian Miller said...

smiles...thanks for intro-ing all the fam....smiles...and pretty funny on the PB jar..ha

Rae said...

Your dogs are sweet. A home is not complete without some four footed fur babies under foot.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

I think many homes are made more whole when they have a pet and I am a dog person so I would say pet dog but cats can have their place just not in my home........

Val said...

Love the pics. My Juno could be Toni Louise's bigger little sister. She has that face, fur...and ears. Except not quite so big! Those are a pair of really, um, BREATHTAKING ears she's got.

SkippyMom said...

I am loving the puppy posts. They make me smile so big. Emmy is adorable with those silky ears and Oscar is color sort of like our Spottie. I love Wall E too - he probably thinks he is a giant in the land of the little people. Then along comes Toni Lou. Heehee Very sweet. Thanks for sharing.
Hope you all are staying dry and safe down there. Hugs my friend.