It Is All About The Frog..............
Some days I wonder why I do this job. But, there are those days that it all seems to make sense. I wonder why I drag myself out of bed while the sun is still asleep. Then I get the dough rising and creep out into the awesome quiet and even though I am cleaning bathrooms, all is well in my world. I get to walk through the grounds and check on my gardens while a sleepy cat winds her way between my ankles. Then I re-enter the building and smell the yeasty dough rising as the coffee brews. The dogs all lay sleeping with he who snores until the sweet smell of cinnamon permeates the air................Then the phone's ring shatters the quiet and an early riser begins banging on the store door demanding coffee and sweet sustenance. The day begins as the breakfast crowd comes in full of news and happy banter. Sometimes an over-nighter will enter and sit a spell with the crowd. Some just sit and listen, while some seem to fit right in as if they had known them all forever. It puts a smile on my face and I realize the reason for my sleeplessness is right here. I can sleep late during the week!Seems like we have worked extra hard this season with all the changes in the signage; but it is paying off A couple stopped over night not long ago. They came in because they saw the frogs on the signs and she is a lover of frogs ................ and she was wearing a Coke t-shirt!
She likes frogs so much that she wears them! You can't tell from the picture, but the arms and legs move. She assured me that our kampground would be a regular stop as they travel. I tell you, it is all about the frog!!!!!!
You have such a wonderful campground. the frogs are just icing.
ha. you gotta love those moments...just read your words...i know why you do what you do...smiles.
Well, my goodness, there ya go...! You will become a tourist attraction for the frog signs. That was a fabulous idea. I think people will come back because if your wonderful hospitality.
I mean because "of" your wonderful hospitality. I need a coffee and a cinnamon bun. *heh*
that is awesome! love the frogs...
Thank you so much for checking out my nonsense. Glad you had a sense of humor about it. I did thoroughly enjoy your blog. I plan on sending you a little love in my next entry. Shameless attempt to get you to check back. But thank you again for the comment.
I'm surprised you don't have some cute little sock frogs for sale, too! I have to admit, I smile every time I see your froggy stuff!
Your frogs might draw them in, but your personality and great campground keeps them coming back!
I love frogs. There is something about them that are just cute. I would have stopped, too.
You get up early too because in the back of your mind you know that come winter, you'll be sleeping in and missing these days.
My latest entry is complete and I try to return the love you have shown. Thank you for checking out my nonsense and feel free to steal anything I have come up with I would be flattered. Hope you don't mind my shameless plug of your site over at
I took your suggestion and actually explained what I like so much about your blog. I will do just about anything to get a view. And I really do enjoy your writing. So check out today's entry for what I hope is a better promotion
Hello Kathy,
I'm here because Rob has made us both honorary ministers - fitting that we should be among the first of his advisors because obviously we gave him similar good advice.
Your life must be very full of friends all the time, but I hope I'll hear some stories of mischief along the way as well. Can't help it, I love the pebble that causes a stumble as much as the dusty road it lays on.
I hope you'll come visit me over on Venom, Secrets, & Lies when you have a chance!
I don't know -- I'm thinking it sounds like a pretty sweet life!
I agree with Pearl.
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