As I was heating the water on the stove to wash dishes I pondered my current dilemma. I was a little miffed that I now had only cold water in the kitchen. It is a deep well and when the cold water comes into the faucet, well, it is really cold! Yesterday I had hot and cold water in the kitchen and now I only have cold water. Love of my life is attempting to reroute the water coming from the water heater. He has been at it for several hours and has to go to work soon. He has made a trip into "town" and is now looking for a part that he forgot to get. My future is not looking bright and his is definitely dim.
This is the new route the hot water will take. Right there where we can see it. Lucky for me it seems to be in the same color family as my cabinets and trim.
I have running water, hot and cold in every faucet in my house. I am willing to bet that no one else has a box that previously held human remains on the ceiling in their dining area. Unique...... one of a kind.
At least he is trying! You have to give him credit for that!
I wet myself laughing at just got funnier. OMG.
Human remains? Yep - sounds like something that would be jerryrigged in our home.
Ah, at least you have hot water now. Hang in there and laugh, it is all you can do.
What a great conversation starter to have! I can see it now, friends and family sitting around the dinning room table eating. Aunt Sally looks up and reads it, asks about it. You, feeling a little mischief is in order, tells her something witty like, 'it's what tonight's dinner came in.' Oh you could have so much fun with that!!!
Think you may win that bet!!
How much do you have to pay him to do stuff like this?? Has to be a bunch, as this is priceless.
This has got to be a first...! Where on earth did he find it?
Enjoy your shower, and try not to think of the human remains. :-)
Kathy, I thought I left a message earlier about the Happy 101 Award, maybe I messed it up, anyway, you sure deserve it, see here:
OMG That is too funny. At least it is better than crying. Some day when it is warm outside you will see more humor in the situation and it will be a good story to share for a long time.
Where do you even find a box like that? Your husband must hang out in some weird places. hee hee.
Well, thank goodness you have hot water. And the rest will get taken care of in due you.
Human Remains: the icing on the cake of your life. You got me beat, sistah!
All I have is that old Save-A-Lot sign that my hoarder husband took right off the truck from the dudes installing a NEW Save-A-Lot sign on top of the store. The old Save-A-Lot sign that is now a wall of our barn lean-to. To his credit, my loving husband moved it from the side facing the house to the side facing the woods.
omg. ROFL
I guess all's well that ends well, except for whomever was in that box!
What a hubby! Got you water and a lovely new ceiling to boot. LOL...
Hilarious. Yes, you are right - I feel there are very few people who have a similar box on their ceiling. I hope!
Wait, where did he get a coffin box???
Just have to tell ya that I have boxes like that in my garage. But not on the ceiling. LOL! That kind of stuff is pretty common around here. My husband is a mortician.
oh that is awesome! where do i get one of those boxes?
A coffin box - that's hysterical. Plumbing projects are never a one-trip-to-town job... Wishing you warm!
the human remains box would totally creep me out...
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