The snow is adrift. It is hard to see in this photo, but it is almost knee-deep. Only in the drifts. You can see the ground where the wind has blown it away. I have been out twice today to gather firewood. I am trying to drag as much wood to the porch as possible before nightfall. Love of my life is at work and before he left he hauled a load up for me. I have burned it all!
This wind is a killer and I am trying to keep the chill off the house. To get to the wood pile I had to walk through some sizable drifts. I had all the outdoor gear on, just can't locate my snow boots. You guessed it, I got snow in my shoes. When I warmed up, I redressed and ventured out again with dry shoes, thinking to walk in my foot prints from before. The wind had already erased them!
I woke up around 4:30 AM and took the dogs out. The fresh layer of snow was sparkling in the glow of the security light. I started to go get the camera, but wanted sleep more. When I got up at 8:00, the wind had turned vicious and drifts were piling as it blew hardy gusts.
I spent the day yesterday shrink wrapping the windows and left the faucet dripping when I went to bed. Unfortunately, love of my life turned the facet off. Swears he didn't, but he might have done it "on the accident", as my youngest used to say. Perhaps he did it after he foraged the kitchen for anything chocolate and cleaned himself up after crunching in bed, and waking me up! Cocoa Crispies are not a quiet food!
Time to gather one last load before it gets dark. There are bobcats in these woods and I am loathe to have to run from one on the snow covered icy ground. Of course, that would be funny to watch...... A hot shower would be wonderful, if we only had water in the bathroom. If only my chocolate loving husband had left the faucet alone. If only I could find my boots. If only Al Gore knew what he was talking about.......
Running from bobcats-- yikes!!
You definitely got more snow than us. Ours all melted, but suddenly the temp dropped again about that same time, and it turned all the melting snow to ice. So now it's just dangerous and ugly slushy ice. Yay.
"If only Al Gore knew what he was talking about . . ."
ha. funny.
I love that first picture. I know you are cold, but would you slap me if I said that first picture is just very serene and maybe worth it?
ok slap me. you're there all "brrr" and i'm like, take more pictures!
I don't know how you deal with that. I couldn't do it. I lived in Chicago one winter and it was one of the most miserable times of my life.
enjoy the time by the fire...we were supposed to get more snow tonight but they called it off...i was looking forward to it. stay warm!
Don't even get me started on Al Gore!
I shall stop complaining about our weather now, Kathy. It's been unseasonably frigid here in Florida (wah), but we don't have to contend with snow drifts!
Sending warm sunshiny wishes your way. That's all I got... wishes!
Love you girlfriend!
I love the warmth of a good wood burning fire in the fireplace on a cold winter's night. But it would suck not having water. Hope you have both soon!
We got the snow after it left your area :-)
The only time I went outside today was to fill the bird feeder on the deck and throw some scraps into the compost pile. That was enough winter weather for me.
Very cool....I would think that snow is not uncommon in I wrong???
We've got snow about that deep here, too! I'm ready for spring!
Thank goodness we are in the middle of Global Warming or we might all freeze to death! We have had about six days of blizzard and my good husband stands to his waiste in snow when he tries to go out. Brrrrrr!
I have something for you over at my home on the web.
Beautiful pictures, but stay warm.
~ Yaya
Yaya's Changing World
Man oh man, that looks cold. Beautiful but frigid. I love a good furnace - surprising how often I've gone without!
It does look beautiful. I don't miss the bone chilling cold that comes with it though! Stay warm.
That first picture just makes me shiver! that looks like bone chilling cold!
I hate when the water freezes up :(
Does anyone really know what they are talking about? I doubt it?
Yikes! You got some snow going on there! We got a lot of cold wind and some snow, but nothing like that. I'm really thankful for that. Snow and I do not get along. At all.
Your pictures are very nice. I really like the first one, it looks so peaceful.
It's got to warm up some time soon! Stay warm, bundle up. Stay in as long as you can!
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