Friday, November 12, 2021

Still Here

 Contrary to Cujo's announcement about our new home, we still don't have a buyer for the park. Still here for now. Packing, sorting and packing some more. And waiting. Some days are better than others. Having packed up all my playthings such as my sewing machine and craft supplies, I have no outlet for keeping myself occupied.

That might have to change, as gardening this time of year is minimal to non-existant. I feel no compulsion to ready a winter garden and in my mind I am already in a different place. I can't just sit and watch TV. Solitaire and crossword puzzles are losing appeal.

Still attached to a phone with mostly telemarketers to amuse myself with. I can choose any of my personalities on any given call. But that is getting old, too. Reading blogs is time consuming, but spotty lately. Someone here must be trying to stream movies and I keep getting knocked off. 

Every little annoyance seems magnified and I imagine the perfection of my new home. Of course, I know it will not be perfection, as nothing ever is. Maybe God is trying to show me something. If that is true, I hope it becomes apparent sooner than later.

Being in the house most of the day has been somewhat relaxing, as the dogs are close. Eddie is always a comforting presence, as well as Cujo. Speaking of my old round guy, it has come to my attention that he seems to be growing fatter every day. I was baffled at first. 

Then I realized that if I filled the food bowl with the weight conscious formula dog food in the morning, HeWho was replacing it again in the late afternoon and it would still be half full when we went to bed. Being the geat detective that I am, I suddenly knew the reason for the weight gain of my fat little guy. He has been getting up in the middle of the night and eating all the kibble left! Little stinker!

One problem solved. Mr. BoJangles has decided that he should acompany me in the store everytime the bell rings. I won't deny that he is absolutely adorable and loves to meet people, but if they happen to bring their dog along he goes berserk. His hackles rise dramatically and his bark becomes threatening. He stands on his hind legs with his forepaws on the windowsill in order to command the attention of anyone there. If he decides that the person outside finds him to be cute he will hop into my lap so they can see all of him. He sticks his face under the slot that the clipboard with the registration goes through, and will lick fingers if they are offered.

He can sense those who do not care for dogs and will simply walk away. Since his very special surgery that made sure he will never father little ones, he has mellowed. He is more apt to cuddle now. Eddie still has not made his second appearance to have surgery. I doubt his manhood removal would have the same results, as Eddie is the most mellow dog ever. 

Toni Louise tries to go into the store with me, her only thought is  hoping for someone to open the door to outside to facilitate her escape. I can read her mind. Cujo is disinterested in accompaning me to help others. Just too much trouble and no treats are involved. He is more likely to nap while waiting for my return. The only place he is likely to follow me is the kitchen with high hopes of me dropping food. 

I suppose I will go see what today holds ....


Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

You're still here and that is good, we like you and all your pups.............

River said...

I hate that in-between time when I know I am moving and everything is packed but the move is a week away still. I know you don't yet have a definite date, so your waiting is harder. I'm glad you have the dogs for comfort. Just remove the food bowls before you go to bed.

Val said...

You would think that Cujo could be more tolerant of HeWho, just for the additional food supply!

ellen abbott said...

It's a shame the person who told you he would buy the park turned out to be a flake. Hopes up and dashed. Now that it's back on the market hopefully a real buyer will show up.

Linda O'Connell said...

I know you are chomping at the bit and wantingt o take off. Surehope you get a buyer soon.