Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Memorial Day ...... The Good Stuff

Every year the same groups and families return to celebrate the holidays here. They request their favorite sites and add to the number they need as the group or family grows. I happened to catch this shot of boys I have seen year after year. Seems like just yesterday they were in strollers or on the shoulders of their dads as they came in to get ice cream after a long day of swimming and playing. Pre-teens now, they are off to the pond to fish, no supervision needed. How fast they grow!

New people come, too. I was totally unaware that the Renaissance Festival was going on near St. Louis during Memorial Day. This family is from Wisconsin, here to attend. I suppose you may have already guessed that from their attire. They thought I should use this picture on the web site ..... to say that the campground has been here for a LONG time! I will need to crop the Pepsi machine , though!

I have been in a negative state of mind for awhile. Seems like everything tends to break down all at once. One problem piles atop another and suddenly I am overwhelmed. I realized yesterday that I had not left the property for nearly 3 weeks. He Who is always going somewhere is more than happy to pick up whatever is needed for daily life. Milk, bread, whatever.

I needed to refill some prescriptions for both of us and run some other errands yesterday. The skies were gray and there was rain in the forecast, so I made my list and checked it twice. He Who is responsible for fueling my vehicle, confirmed that I was good to go and I left!

As I drove along I let all the worries fall behind me. I gave no thought to the hours passing as I shopped in several stores and gathered the necessities of living along with some luxuries. I admit that those items were found on the clearance aisle, but it was still a pleasant shopping trip.

But, I did have to come back. I had hoped I would return with a better attitude, but it was all here upon my return. The coin-op washer in the laundry room was still not working after a belt replacement and a new pump. It now works, but sounds like an on-coming train. My personal washer refuses to drain and spin-out, making it necessary for me to use the public facilities. Not such a big deal, but inconvenient.

The phone rang and a sweet voice I love so very much was on the other end. My granddaughter, Jada. I was showing her picture to a total stranger and extolling her virtues when she called! After I talked to her I unloaded on my favorite daughter-in-law. Told her all the crappiest things that were going on and she laughed and laughed. Putting everything back in perspective. She thinks a reality show about campgrounds should be made and that mine is good for a long run.

So, as I drain this mug of coffee, I am ready to face the tall grass, the mound of mud and all the mulching waiting for me!


luksky said...

One of these days some miracle is going to happen and I'm going to have the time and the money to fulfill my dream of traveling around the U.S. in an RV and one of the first places I'm going to visit is going to be your cute little campground. :-)

Kathy G said...

I knew the Renaissance Festival was going on, but that's QUITE a distance from your place. Wonder if all the closer campgrounds were booked or they specifically chose yours?

Val said...

My son Genius went to that Renaissance Festival. As a spectator, of course. He liked the jousting.

Linda O'Connell said...

If it's not one thing it's another. Hope you can get a moment's peace.