Thursday, January 3, 2013

Cabin Fever?

Cabin fever is setting in. I have watched too much TV. As I sit here in my wood heated exile, watching endless hours of mindless TV and prowling Pinterest I have begun to ponder the absurdities of life.

These thoughts are now invading my dreams. Why does Jamie Lee Curtis have Activia in her purse? Is her purse refrigerated? Would I turn and run if she approached me? Is she an RVer? If so does her RV proclaim the benefits of Activia like a moving billboard? I know I would let mine be used as an avenue for advertising if I got paid to do so .....

I want to try that ear vacuum! But wait, that's not all ....... I can have TWO, for the price of ONE! If I pay shipping and handling on the free one. The shipping and handling is more than the cost of the product. No, I did not call to order and discover this. I read the fine print flashed briefly on the screen. If the shipping and handling were reasonable, I might consider it. I will wait until it ends up on the "as seen on TV" aisle at Alco. It will be awhile before I can suck water out of my ear ...... 

I know it is warming up outside, because a faucet just burst in the park and is spewing water. Yep, temperature is rising! I just had to turn the water off so that he who plumbs can fix it. Oh, no, now I can't wash the dishes! Or fill the mop bucket .......



mamahasspoken said...

I've seen those ear pumps on tv too. I think you need to stock your shelves with them because come pool time, they'll fly off the shelves thanks to those with swimmer's ear ;o)

Brian Miller said...

ha now you have a reason not to do son wants one of the ear pumps...i find it funny...

Val said...

Here's what strikes my funny bone concerning the ear pumps: those people are OVERACTING. It may be a great product, but they cheapen it with their orgasmic reactions, and their "before" shouts of agony from other methods.

I have to look away when they empty it in the sink.

ellen abbott said...

I know I complain about winter here but I am glad we don't have to deal with burst pipes for the most part. Though we have had one or two.

joanne said...

I want the ear thing too, maybe we could split the shipping and then I could have the free one...oh, wait...

Linda O'Connell said...

That ear thingie is probably a miniature baster, a baby snot sucker. Pipe burst? Oh my!

Nancy said...

Small print on the ear thing says that you pay TWO shipping & handling charges when you get the two ear thingies :)

Bob said...

Try not to slip over the edge.