He who mows has more time on his hands lately. He has been thinking about wind energy. He ponders things while he mows. So, he has been puttering and dinking around in his sanctuary, the barn. I have mentioned "the barn" before. Not really a barn. It would be better described as a landing place for all things that he who ponders might find useful one day. Not he who organizes stuff. That will never be his title. He seems to be able to locate things amidst the mess, though and I don't complain about the inside since there are doors to hide the content. The outside, though .......; well, I reserve the right to complain.
The creation isn't all that pleasing to look at. But................ it works! This is currently charging the battery fo my golf cart. I would prefer that it be concealed or at least be all one color and not be secured with a concrete block ............. a little spit and polish would be nice.
We want to wean the kampground from the massive electric bill we get every month. I was thinking to contract this endeavor and we are going to, but he just had to try. He did succeed. I wonder how many of these we would need to power the whole park ...............
Looks like the invention bug is alive in the park! Crazy Tom took pity on his sick neighbor, Johnny. The cold was holding him captive to the kleenex box. Crazy Tom came up with this invention so that Johnny could be on the go with him. They usually golf together. I am thinking he will have to make some adjustments for this to work on the golf course, though.
Just like the windmill, this invention works. It could use a little spit and polish, too, though.
Both the inventors are quite proud of their creations .............
I think the wind mill to power that battery is a GRAND idea, spit and polish or not. Wow, that is really cool.
And Tom is cracking me up. Ever heard of pocket tissues? ;) But a tp necklace is just fine by me - now all you have to do kathy is sew up a little sack for it. Golf themed perhaps?
I like the windmill too. Now I just have to think what I can power up with one.
As they should be! The windmill is wonderful.
I am with you; I like things to look pretty while they are functional.
awesome windmill idea!
the toilet paper thing, not so much, but i'm glad he's happy.
ha. so cool that is works...i may need to order a couple of those and the TP holder...nice...
I'm cracking up! I can well see why they would both be proud of their inventions! He who invents things sounds a lot like my dad.
I bet your guy could even think up a better way to keep a goat's head out of the fence than taping a board between her horns!
Oh, I love it! Carrot Top would be proud-ha!
Always nice to come by and see you and for what it's worth, everything looks quite lovely and inviting to ME.
Peace and serenity,
'The End Of The Rainbow: Life After Bankruptcy'
We've been contemplating a windmill for some time, mainly so that Mac (hewhopaysbills) can present Lynches River Electric a bill! Oh how we dream! Hope your poison oak/ivy/sumac/whatever is on the run!
I have got to show my husband, "he who putters," this post. Every time we drive by one of those wind mills, he's like, "I need to try making one of those!"
So glad the contraption is in your yard, not mine, but yes, it would be nice to lower the electric bill.
The barn sounds like a man cave. My husband would be envious.
I could have used Crazy Tom's invention last week.
Love the windmill idea and the off the grid electricity.
The windmill is a great idea - and on a larger scale it could save you a lot of money!
I love the toilet paper around the neck! So funny!
windmill is great....I hate when I have a cold and feel like I need the toilet paper wrapped around my neck! I hope it was soft tissue!!! LOL!
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