There will always be drama around this little girl! I am missing her funny little voice and giggles today. I have an assignment, though. I have to make some dresses and lots of ruffles "like a tutu".
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Middle Child
100 Days of Kindergarten
As you can see Gavin is wearing a necklace of fruit loops ........ 10 of each color. They had 10 snacks to count 10 pieces of each. This seemed to take forever as each child carefully counted 10 skittles, 10 marshmallows, 10 cheerios, etc.
This was on Tuesday and one of the mothers was nice enough to take a picture of us. I was fairly well rested. The pictures taken on Friday were a little unsettling to look at! I have rested a lot since getting home!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Water Baby
Monday, February 22, 2010
Can We Paint?
So, when I heard the call, "Gramma, can we paint?" I said "No, not right now, as I tried to read my e-mail." Nap time is not observed by all and Baby has already had hers.
This where the toys are neatly stored in baskets .......... well, they were. This basket on the floor is the one that holds permanent markers and crayons and paint supplies!
Gavin's mom is here with me and she questioned all the suspects to determine exactly who would sit on the steps for a time-out. Baby wasn't talking. Jada was an eager informant and Maya and Gavin were trying to side-step the issue. Maya did not get the basket down. She was very clear on this. She did not actually take the basket off the shelf. When directly asked Gavin replied with a question of his own ......... "What paint?" Did I mention that this child looks like love of my life? He is clever like his Papa, too.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
This is the Gavin that helped Gramma plant an garden and move some rock last year ...... when he wasn't busy riding his bike.
My daughter called to tell me that he woke her in the middle of the night. "Mom, Mom ....." "What, Gavin?" "Are you having a good dream, too?" " No, I am not dreaming" "I had a really good dream" "What are you dreaming about?" "I was dreaming about Gramma Kathy".
I will be wearing a permanent smile today as I finish packing........
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Peanut Butter
Back to the subject, though. What will my man with high cholesterol and high triglycerides eat in my absence? Last time I left I carefully prepared meal sized portions of things that could be heated in the microwave and told him daily what was available for him in the fridge. I returned to find all these "meals" exactly where I had left them. When questioned he admitted to eating a lot of fast food. So, this time I haven't bothered. He won't eat them any way.
His two favorite foods are peanut butter and cheese. Cheese crackers with peanut butter. He buys these by the case and keeps them hidden in his truck. He thinks I don't know. I know everything. He also eats peanut butter sandwiches. His combinations vary. Sometimes jelly (grape and occasionally strawberry), sometimes marshmallow fluff, and his current fave ... honey. So, I bought two big jars of Jif (choosy moms choose Jif). This should last a week, don't you think?
I like to buy bread from the bakery at WalMart and I really like to buy it from the day old cart. It is only 90 cents a loaf and I usually get the Italian. I make sandwiches with this. Last time I bought a loaf of Italian with garlic and asiago cheese and made some really yummy turkey and provolone sandwiches for lunch one day. That evening as we were watching TV in bed love of my life crept out and disappeared into the kitchen and in the dark made his favorite peanut butter and honey concoction. He reentered the bedroom, taking a big bite. He chewed for a second and then held the sandwich at arms length and stared at it, making a face of distaste.
"Whatcha got there, honey?" I ask.
"The nastiest damn sandwich I have ever tasted!" he replies.
I knew right away what he had done and couldn't help laughing. Apparently peanut butter and honey doesn't go well with garlic and asiago. I bought him a whole loaf of plain white bread to have while I am gone.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Getting Ready To Go....
Blue for Maya, the oldest. Maya goes to Kindergarten and is the oldest. She is the helpful big sister. She has a shy sweet smile and is slow to warm up to strangers (and Gramma Kaffy, who she doesn't get to see that often)
I am hoping the roads will be clear as I am about to venture out to purchase a separating zipper to repair a hoodie for my oldest grandson, Gage. I hope I can find the right size. I have a zipper in the right size, but it is navy blue and I need black. Gage is almost 15 and very fashion conscious, so it has to be the right color. Teens. Gotta love them and I love this one the best!
This is just a few of the items I have packed to go and the large suitcase is full. I may end up wearing all my clothes in layers just to get them there!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
My Romantic Guy
Throughout the years he has come up with many unusual gifts. This one is not all that unique. Actually I really appreciate this one. I will be able to zip around the park quickly when time is of the essence. Like when I need to deliver firewood to a campsite and I am here all alone. I have to lock up the office and usually I just grab the wheelbarrow and haul it. I don't mind walking, but when I am way in the back of the park delivering and I have a rig pull in ...... well lets just say that I doubt I look very graceful running back to the office behind an empty wheelbarrow. I am always afraid I am going to step in a hole and fall flat on my face ..........
So, this is a wonderful and thoughtful gift, just not romantic. I am not complaining. I love this golf cart! It is a four seater. I can use it to show sites. The back seat folds down and presents a platform on which to haul things ...... like firewood and bags of trash and plants! But most importantly ........ I can chauffeur all my grandchildren around in it!
Back to the gifts of holidays past, many come to mind. There are of course those items that were bought for me that were really for him ..... mostly electronic gadgets that I had never, ever shown any desire for what-so-ever. There are those items that I knew some sales person had helped him select at the last minute because he had forgotten what day it was. But ....... the most memorable ones are those that he asked what I wanted and took my word very literally. I have gotten clothespins and trashcans for Christmas. The most memorable gift that he ever got me was for Mother's Day 1985. He asked me what I wanted. I hated to be asked (not anymore) and told him that I needed to fertilize the flower beds I had been working on. I was actually side stepping his question and was truly surprised when he presented me with 40 lbs. of cow manure. Yes, he did. I was the one person who could honestly answer the question "what did you get?" with "a bunch of shit!". Did I mention what a romantic guy he is?
Friday, February 12, 2010
I like puzzles. Love of my life does not. In past years I would occasionally get the urge to assemble a puzzle. I would set it all up and spend hours happily fitting pieces together. It is a great activity for insomniacs and it goes well with Lifetime movies. If I happen upon a puzzle with a theme I really like I will mount the finished product and display it.
Just imagine the joy when I realized that my new best buddy, Deb, loved puzzles, too!!! Add to that all the Coca Cola puzzles we have found .......... I am singing "Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
Here you see a masterpiece in progress. It must stay that way until I return from my visit with the grandchildren. Deb and I won't be spending another weekend together until then. I admit that it is tempting to escape from my day and sit a spell while pondering colors and shapes ....... but, no, I won't do it.
This is my side with the pieces lined in rows just like my Daddy taught me to do. There are rules! First you pull all the edge pieces out of the box, then carefully get all the pieces lined up neatly so that you can see them all. This involves some accessory boards to put all the pieces on. With these you can walk around the puzzle with the pieces in your hand like a tray while studying the colors and shapes needed. If it a difficult puzzle, then you separate these pieces into colors and shapes. First you construct the outer edges of the puzzle and then start filling it in. You never start the middle until the edge is done.
I am trying to teach her, but she is a rebel. She insists on doing it her way, although she has admitted that my way is beneficial and she likes having all the pieces face up and lined up neatly instead of jumbled in a box. And I have started a middle before the edges were done. She has yet to line up the pieces neatly, though. I am still working on that.
Here you see our first puzzle. It is mounted and ready to be framed and displayed in the store. We spent a whole weekend listening to the sounds of the sixties and singing along while putting the pieces together. Love of my life was at work while we played puzzle.
So, what are you doing while the snow is falling?
Monday, February 8, 2010
A Rose By Any Other Name...........
I have been spending lots of time perusing Craigslist lately looking for cabinets and counter for the new food bar in my store. Rather than type in a specific request, I prefer to simply click on a category and "stroll the aisles". You can find some rather unusual things doing this. I am always amazed at the things people will take the trouble to photograph and post for $5 and under. Not even worth the trouble I would think. Most of it looks like it should simply be discarded. Another source of amusement for me are the postings for appliances that show the appliance and it isn't even clean! Read all the accolades of this wonderful appliance and at the bottom is the news that it doesn't work, but the owner is sure that it can be fixed.
My absolute favorite of late is the one I clicked on this weekend. I had entered the "general" category just to see what wonders awaiting my discerning eye. I spied it right away and chuckled at the title thinking it really couldn't be what the title suggested. "DUCT TAPE ROSES" Yes! "Why waste your money on real roses that will die? These roses come in every color that duct tape comes in ......... and will last forever!"
I am not a fan of cut flowers. My family knows this and will give me potted plants that I can enjoy a long, long time ............ maybe not forever like the duct tape variety, though. Right away I let love of my life know that should he happen upon a duct tape rose vendor that he should NOT purchase those for me. I have learned through the years to be very specific about what is and what is not acceptable to give to me as a gift.
These wonders of everlasting beauty can be purchased by the dozen, half dozen and the ever popular single rose pronouncement of love. The single option is also good for those on a budget, however if you are Donald Trump you may want to go for the camouflage, it is extra.
My absolute favorite of late is the one I clicked on this weekend. I had entered the "general" category just to see what wonders awaiting my discerning eye. I spied it right away and chuckled at the title thinking it really couldn't be what the title suggested. "DUCT TAPE ROSES" Yes! "Why waste your money on real roses that will die? These roses come in every color that duct tape comes in ......... and will last forever!"
I am not a fan of cut flowers. My family knows this and will give me potted plants that I can enjoy a long, long time ............ maybe not forever like the duct tape variety, though. Right away I let love of my life know that should he happen upon a duct tape rose vendor that he should NOT purchase those for me. I have learned through the years to be very specific about what is and what is not acceptable to give to me as a gift.
These wonders of everlasting beauty can be purchased by the dozen, half dozen and the ever popular single rose pronouncement of love. The single option is also good for those on a budget, however if you are Donald Trump you may want to go for the camouflage, it is extra.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Almost ready for Customers!!
I am not crazy about folding chairs ......... but we use what we have. I made cushions for them and my partner, Deb, found the table and surprised me with it this weekend! So, if you want to come in and have a cup of coffee and a game of checkers, we got ya covered!
Here sits the unmovable cigarette case. Holding books and other things that will be gone and it will be filled with all manner of unhealthy junk food that is in demand by the campers and swimmers. My big seller last year was Pop-Tarts! If you will recall they came out with flavors that had never been heard of, such as Vanilla Milkshake and Oreo Cookie. I did not find them to be to my liking, but, hey, they are fortified with 7 vitamins and minerals ......... SEVEN! Who am I to argue with nutrition? Pringles and Doritoes also went a little bonkers with new flavors. I remember when your choice of potato chip was regular or Ruffles. Then came BBQ and it has now evolved into sheer madness ..... but I digress.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
What I Do When I Have No Water
From some of the comments on the previous post I am assuming that everyone thinks I am being a good sport about the water situation. I am trying to be, but today is wearing thin. I want to wash my dishes. I want to wash my clothes. I want to wash my hands!!!!!! I hate clutter and I hate the feeling of not having control. The dishes, the laundry and not being able to do anything about it is wearing thin as the evening progresses. I am tired and irritable and pretty sure that I don't smell really good.
In an effort to stay out of the way of he who plumbs this morning, I hid out in my sewing room. No water required in there and I have a TV and there was coffee close at hand. Two trips for parts yielded no repair and he had to go to work. I realized that staying out of the way was a mistake. While he had the pump on I could have filled a bucket of water. I didn't do this and now the only water I have is bottled drinking water. Chilled bottled drinking water. No water to cook with, no water to wash my hands with, no water to flush with. I have been using hand sanitizer all day and did wash my hands with cold water before I sat down here.
I tired of sewing, my hands were hurting from stuffing monkeys (go ahead, Otin, see what you can do with that) and not wanting to face the dirty kitchen decided to move some things in the store around and do a little merchandising. Last year a friend of ours traded us a cigarette case for a couple of bar stools. This thing is huge and very heavy. It is 4 feet wide and 7 feet tall, providing lots of space to display my wares. It took 4 of us to get the thing into the store and I was told (warned) that I had better be putting it where it would be forever because it would not be moving again.
After I got the big cabinet in place I decided the other big display case needed to move, so I moved it. I merchandised most of it and looked outside to see that it was dark. I realized that I had only had coffee and a handful of nuts all day. I worked up a sweat, too. So, I went foraging for food that could be prepared without water. Cottage cheese and pineapple and diet Dr. Pepper with a side of popcorn. The day is over and hopefully tomorrow will bring water and a nice hot shower. Tomorrow I will finish in the store and take some pictures of the finished product to show you all.
She who sews refuses to leave the building until he who plumbs delivers some water!
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