Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Being In Charge

 Cujo here. I suppose everyone knows we have moved by now. Us dogs are happy to be here. This house is not very big, and I can see Mom from every room! Except the bathroom, that is. 

Us dogs are not allowed in the bathroom. I say that we are not allowed, but the day that man came from Dish to set up the TV's, Mom put all of us in the bathroom! She had to move the cat litter and all its alluring treats, as well as the cat food. She did give each of us dogs a treat, though. Mr. BoJangles took his in the bathtub. That left more room for the rest of us. Mom says the bathroom is a one-person room, but that is as it should be. 

Us dogs were happy to have TV again. Did you know there is a channel just for dogs? There is. Maybe Mom should have turned it on before she left us yesterday ......

Yesterday started out fine. Bo woke Mom at our usual time, and she shuffled to the door with us dogs in her slippers. She let us out onto the porch, and we all ran to the door to our yard. It was closed!! Bo barked for Mom's assistance, but she must have been busy making coffee. She always makes coffee first thing.

We all had to empty our bladders (a nice way to say we had to pee) and even though we all started barking, nobody came to open the door. We all peed on the porch, then went to the house door to go in. I was hoping my pee would dry before Mom discovered it. I peed on a nice-looking cardboard box. Eddie peed on some plants that were looking dead, and Bo did his business on the rug by the house door.

Mom didn't even notice. She was too busy drinking coffee and typing on her computer. This is our "quiet time". No TV, just coffee, and the sound of Mom's fingers tapping away. She will stop and read from time to time and rest her hand on my sweet head.

Quiet time is over as soon as HeWho is our Dad's feet hit the floor. He is a loud person! Even his sighs are loud. He sneezes, coughs and manages to bump things around and the quiet peace of the morning is gone until the next morning! He reminded Mom of the appointment at the bank with someone called a financial advisor. Mom told him that she remembered, and she headed off to have a shower in the one-person room.

When she got out, she asked us dogs if we needed to go outside. Toni did for sure, since HeWho is forgetful had not let her out. Mom opened the door and we all scrambled out. Mom came out the door and she saw the issue with the door to our yard. She scolded HeWho is our Dad. He was the one who failed to open it after he let Martha, the boy cat back inside. Martha is only allowed to roam the porch unless Mom and HeWho is our Dad are out in the yard. 

After she got through chastising HeWho left the door closed, she began an investigation. Uh-oh, us dogs were about to get in trouble. She saw that box I peed on and she immediately ripped it open and took the towels that were packed inside out. She examined the interior of the box and was happy to see that my pee had not penetrated the inside. As happy as that made me, I knew I still had to answer for peeing on the box. She found all the pees and a poop (not mine!!). She cleaned it all up and then she called us dogs in.

I told the others to prepare for a scolding. We were delighted when she scolded HeWho is our Dad instead! Now that I think about it, it was all his fault after all. She even asked him what he thought us dogs should have done. Mom was right! Of course, that did not apply to the entire day ...

It was my turn to be in charge. Mom announced this as they went out the door and to the car. She reminded all of us to behave. The gates were up at the bathroom and bedroom doors and it was nap time for dogs. Bo had different ideas. Toni Louise was only too willing to follow Bo's lead. They took the rug from in front of the door and used it to slide down the hallway. They did this over and over again until they loosened the gate at the bedroom door! I swear to you that Eddie and I had no part in their shenanigans.

Since the bedroom was accessible, I decided it would be a good idea to go in and hide. I know I was supposed to be in charge, but let's face it, I had already failed! Eddie stayed and hung out on the couch, watching the two miscreants run wild. Martha hid under the table to reach out and grab at them as the slid down the hall. Martha is annoying with this game he plays. While the others have nice thick fur, mine is sleek and he will manage to sink his claws into my flesh. It hurts!

I hid under the bed at the end were the covers met the floor. I kept hoping to hear the car come into the drive, but they were gone a long, long time and since I had eaten some dog food, I felt the call of Mother Nature. I had to go, so I pooped on the floor on HeWho is our Dad's, side of the bed. I had to, what else should I have done? I was not going back into the mayhem in the living room!

Apparently, Bo was hit with the call from Mother Nature. But he chose the couch for his relief! OH NO, I was left in charge, and it was MY fault for hiding in the bedroom. I could have directed him to the floor at least. When I discovered this after deciding to come out from under the bed and check on my charges, I wanted to cry! I just retired to my hiding place until I finally heard the crunch of tires and slowly made my way to the door.

Mom was not happy. She looked at me, but I could not meet her eyes. She told me how disappointed she was. I hung my head so low it touched the floor. She went about the business of cleaning up. She scolded Bo. How did know know it was Bo? Are there cameras in here that I don't know about? I think she may have eyes in the back of her head sometimes. She always knows who the culprit is.

I plan to be a better dog today! Mom made sure the door to our yard was open this morning and we are now cuddled against her on the couch. She assured me that she had no plans to leave here today, that is a relief, even though I would not be in charge two days in a row! Toni Louise is up next. She is pretty lazy and just watches all of us do whatever we want. She is not really a good choice to leave in charge of anything. Mom gives us all equal turns, though. Now that I think about it, she has never left Martha, the boy cat in charge, though. I wonder about that.


Linda O'Connell said...

And here I am engrossed in reading this, as if the dog is actually telling me the current events. OMG how cute the story told from his point of view.The dialogue...too cute and true.

You do have a way with words. Bill says our cat never changes his facial expression, and I swear, that cat gave me an Elvis smile, one sided sneer. I laughed out loud.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Your Mum is amazing but I think you know that

River said...

Oh dear Cujo, perhaps the day will soon come when you can all be left safely in your yard instead of in the house when your Mum needs to go out for the day.

Joanne Noragon said...

If you weren't Cujo, who would you be?

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Cujo loves comments! He is one smart little dog, if somewhat grumpy. All of my dogs have very distinct personalities. Eddie is much like my Collie, Sarge. Extremely loyal to his mistress yet laid back enough to enjoy attention from others. As long as you don't make his mistress upset you are okay in his book. Toni Louise possesses a sense of adventure and is very much like her namesake, Louise the Saint Bernard. Toni never seems to meet a stranger and is friendly with everyone. Unlike Louise, she is a smaller dog and her size is not a deterrent that would make someone be afraid to take her. She always has a goofy grin on her face. Cujo is a different personality altogether. I have yet to have a dog this devoted to me and only me. He will occasionally succumb to others and let them hold him, but he always has a look on his face that tells me he wants to escape. He is needy, and I am the person he needs most. He is his own little dog. If he were not Cujo, I have no idea who he would be!

Sioux Roslawski said...

Kathy--I heard from Linda O'Connell that you were moving--and now you've already done that. Congratulations. I think she said you were moving to be closer to your kids? Grandkids? Maybe I am not remembering correctly.

You probably won't remember, but years ago I stopped by your RV camp and brought you fudge (or was it chocolate cookies) but alas, you told me you were not fond of chocolate. We traded books...

Your trip to your new home sounds like it was quite an adventure. Again, congrats.

Val said...

Don't take it too hard, Cujo. Your mom still loves you. Things will get into a new routine at your new place, and this will be a distant memory. But I DO wonder how things will go with Toni Louise in charge!

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog