Sunday, June 3, 2018

Karma, Where Were You?

If you read the previous post, you will recall that I was on my own …… well, not really. I have some wonderful campers here. They have rescued me more than a few times while HeWho usually does my bidding is gone. 

The kid in the pool creating havoc and hitting other swimmers with his beach ball, subsequently telling me to "F" off, I handled on my own. To my credit I did not grab him by the earlobe and drag him to his parent, but I wanted to. He was about 8 or 9 and unsupervised in the pool. I have plenty of signage forbidding this, but that is assuming you can read. Yeah, I know, that wasn't nice.

The man came in late Sunday night looking for a tent site. Primitive, no electricity He claimed to have his wife and 2 children with him. That's all. So, he paid cash and went off to the site I assigned him. 

Monday morning was a mass exodus from the campgrounds. My favorite campers were busy cleaning up their site when I returned the dishes that delivered meals to me. They come every year and I have come to refer to the sites they inhabit by their name. I had not had much sleep the night before, but swimmers could not be disappointed and I drank too much coffee and carried on with my day. Kevin and Craig, my heroes, went around the park picking up all the trash and generally helping me maintain a sense of sanity.

At about 12:30, the primitive camping man entered the store with a toddler in a bathing suit. I gently reminded him that check-out time was noon and that swim diapers were required on toddlers. He got more money and paid for another day and assured me that his child was in a swim diaper. He wasn't, I could see his little butt cheeks clearly outlined in his thin shorts. He asked if he could fish. I said yes and reminded him that it was catch and release. At his blank look I pantomimed the action of hooking a fish, then un-hooking a fish and tossing it back into the water. He clearly understood the concept as he nodded vigorously in the affirmative.

As the day wore on, most of the weekenders left and the swimmers disappeared. I closed the store and grabbed the mower to get a head start on the grounds that would have to be dealt with. I was mowing under the apple tree that is close to the exit drive, listening to an audio book when a van entered the wrong drive and flew past. Sighing deeply, I turned off the mower and headed over to tell her about speeding and ignoring signs ……

So, there she was with the primitive tent man. I leaned into her vehicle and started talking before I realized that she could not understand a word I said. I thought that she was his wife and that they had two vehicles. He told me that she could not speak or read English …… which begs the question of why she was driving at all. He translated and I looked around to see extension cords going to sites with outlets. Deep breath. I let it go, trying to be generous and create some good karma for myself.

As I headed back to my mower, my camper who has a site overlooking the pond waved me down. Primitive tent fisherman had violated my catch and release policy. Not only that, but when another camper reminded him that he could not keep the fish, primitive tent camper fisherman DUMPED THE FISH ON THE GROUND AND LET THEM DIE. Thirty five of them, some not even big enough to clean and eat.

He was also seen tossing beer bottles in my pond. Trash was all around the site he was on, but you always assume they will pick it all up before they leave. You know that saying about assuming.

My campers that overlook the pond have taken it upon themselves to not only keep their site looking great, but they also have the shores around the pond in pristine condition. To say that they were upset is an understatement. Long story short, I told the primitive fisherman with more people than he paid for that he had to leave. It was already after 8:00 pm and I could count all the people as they left the pool and headed back to the site. 

He demanded a refund! None was forthcoming, and I told him he owed me money. He asked why I cared about the fish, what difference did it make to me. My tolerance for ignorance was at an all time low and I shared many of my opinions with him as I urged to get off my property before law enforcement arrived. 

Karma, where were you? There is more to tell about my week on my own. Stay tuned!


Joanne Noragon said...

I am so sorry for you that camper quality has degenerated so since my childhood, which, sadly, was long ago. The fish kill was terrible. Don't be so dismissive of karma. You don't control it, though sadly it did not settle up that weekend. But consider how many universal laws the man is violating. He'll push the balloon of theft so far, it will explode disastrously.You may not see it, but perhaps you'll hear a far away bang. It could be the sound of karma, taking that fellow down.

Val said...

I agree with Joanne. Karma always finds a way. That guy will get his. You'll get yours, too, though in a more positive form! You just never know when it will show up.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Yeah karma will find him and bit him hopefully not in his butt but in his tackle area that would hurt more.