Monday, July 29, 2013


Monday, Monday, ......... Actually, I like Mondays. I especially like this one. Over cast and cool with a damp breeze and a promise of rain when I sniff the air. Ah, yes, a perfect day. The pool is closed and I am free to mow to my heart's content (or until my 60 year old legs protest).

Not only that, I can turn the mower off to move things out of my way and be sure that it will start right up again. It is the little things that make me happy. He Who mows a lot more ground than I do is not one to actually stop and dismount his ride to eliminate an obstacle. I have seen him bump gently into picnic tables and push them out of the way with the mower. I have also seen him mangle picnic tables doing this very thing. Not me. I sometimes rake before I mow to make sure no rocks are lingering to hit my blade.

When the rain started I retreated indoors. After having company this past month, I am ready to put all the things I threw into my closet back in place. Since we live in a small space, I usually store things in the extra bedroom. When company is coming I always look for another place to put all the stuff that has accumulated in that room. Somehow, my closet is the catch-all. So much so that I cannot get to anything in the closet. I know I have other clothes I can wear, but I just keep wearing the same ones as soon as they return to my room from the dryer or clothesline. I use a step stool to put linens and some other things away, but just end up stacking all that stuff in my closet and telling myself I will get to it later.

Later happened today. Took me through three episodes of the Young and the Restless. Everything is back in it's proper place as the world turns on the edge of night. Sorry, I couldn't help myself.

I have made a decision. I think resolutions should be made on one's birthday and not on the first day of the year. I am in my 60's now and can be considered wise, so I am making this proclamation. My resolution is to keep my closet .... accessible. I was going to say clean, but, want to be able to actually keep the resolution.

Another resolution I have decided upon is to nap as much as I can! Beauty sleep, you know. Not to mention, it is just so delicious to climb atop the covers and curl up with a warm dog and a little snooze. Naps cannot be taken under the covers. That is how one sleeps. Naps are stolen moments of time and require quick access to your chosen spot on which to snooze. Should you become chilled, a loose blanket can be pulled around you. Not bed covers, though. Bed covers and tight smooth sheets are for serious sleeping!

That's all. If you make too many resolutions, you will become overwhelmed and not even attempt to keep even one of them. See, I am wise.


Kathy G said...

Naps on top of the covers are nice, but naps curled up on a couch are even nicer :-)

Val said...

I find a recliner nap quite refreshing.

mamahasspoken said...

I'm with you on the napping part. It's the little things that can make one happy :o)

knancy said...

Naps control me. I am not always able to ascertain where or how they may take place (especially after I eat). And I don't really care. I just love them!

Joanne Noragon said...

You have nap protocol down pat.

Joanne Noragon said...

You have nap protocol down pat.

Brian Miller said...

ha. i like the resolution to nap....
and i know it feels good to have things the world turns...oh my...ha

Linda O'Connell said...

I so agree with you on naps. They are best relished on top the covers or on the couch. One of two things result for me. I wake refreshed or muddled depending on if I took a cat nap or an old lady nap.

Pat said...

I have always said that the world would be a better place if we were forced to take a siesta every day, and when we awoke were given cookies and milk.