Friday, October 21, 2011

Happy Birthday, Dear Martha,.........

 This picture is from 2009. Witchy Woman Martha celebrates another year today! I do know that is a wizard costume. But, Martha is wise.  Martha is opinionated and outspoken and afraid of nothing. She is someone you want in your corner, as she is fiercely loyal. She is a good sounding board, too. She will listen and hear what you have to say, then tell you what she thinks. If you ask for her opinion, be prepared to hear it ...... she will pull no punches!

 She handed me a box on my birthday. Before I could open it, she told me that she bought it with me in mind. But .... went on to say that she liked it, too; and that if I didn't like it, I could give it back to her for her birthday. Who knew that Martha would be a fan of re-gifting? No, she cannot have it back, I am keeping it.

 Instead, I started this garden project. I was just going to put some trees in to offer a little afternoon shade. Then I got a little carried away.

 Not quite done yet, but it is getting there. Thirteen tiger lilies have been planted and should be magnificent next season.

Til then I added a couple of mums. Still need to add mulch and more rocks in the border. My trees are looking sad right now. Not to worry if they don't make it I will plant more ..... because as I live and breathe ...... there will be shade for Martha!


Erik's RV Blog said...


I need to kidnap you and bring you to my house and let you loose on our landscaping. Ok, maybe kidnap is a strong word.... :)

Looks great!


Joanne Noragon said...

Tiger lillies! There was a great cascading wall of them between our house and the house next door when I was growing up. Love them!

Brian Miller said... are going all out...and shade is a great thing to provide...nice bracelet...

happy birthday martha!

joanne said...

shade...the gift that keeps on giving year after year. Very thoughtful of you, not like that silly jewelry or anything!

Author Joshua Hoyt said...

This is great landscaping. I love to landscape and can't wait until I can do it more. It looks wonderful!

Teresa said...

love the bracelet... very nice.

great idea to plant the "shade" for your friend.

Mike said...

Happy Birthday Martha! I like the wizard outfit...but then wizardry is my game lol