I think I may have mentioned before that I tend to misplace things from time to time .......... usually when I am under a deadline or really, really need that particular item. I have two pairs of bifocals. I prefer one over the other and not too long ago I lost that pair, but found them when I felt them under my foot as I stepped down. I have them on now. They are a little scratched, but my personal optical technician managed to get the frames back in shape so that I can see correctly ........... Um, the one with the pink lashes is Barb, my personal eyeglass fixer upper. And the lady looking at her is her mom, my sweet friend and most favorite camper, Nan.
The orange shirts were left to ferment in this bucket.
Here you see a green shirt with the black spider design. We discovered that a cookie cooling rack atop a Sham-Wow was a good way to keep the colors separate and yet contained ..... somewhat, anyway.
A little toast to celebrate didn't hurt. After we dyed them, they had to sit for 24 hours. We met at the appointed time the very next day and had a marathon rinsing. I felt a little wasteful about all that water going down the drain. I am thinking that if we do this again in the spring we should save the water and put it in the flower beds. Wonder what that would do to the blooms .......
We had lots of other prizes as well. Goodie bags for all the kids, puzzles, snuggies, flashlights, coupons for free bundles of wood and bags of ice. You know, camping stuff. We also had a quart mason jar filled with candy corn. All day long folks came in to guess the number of pieces. Yvonne and I were the only ones who knew the number. We confided a little secret to he who wondered in and out all day and to my BFF, Deb. They both scolded us for our trickery. Yes, they did. But one young camper came in and inspected said jar. He came back and asked very specific questions about it. He wanted to know what size the jar was, then he left again and it was awhile before he came in to cast his ballot with the number on it. Do you suppose he went and filled a quart jar with candy corn or something similar in size and counted it? If he did, imagine his surprise when the winner was announced ............ and it wasn't him! Someone even asked if we had stuffed cotton balls in the center of the jar. "Nope, it is all candy." And it was. All candy. We put a Three Musketeers bar in the middle. TRICK OR TREAT!!
What a neat idea! I wish I could tie dye as cool as you - ours never come out that great.
And I love, love, love the hair and the eye lashes on your gorgeous optician. hee - Her Mom is a cutie too.
So fun to be where you are, isn't it?
Thanks for the great smile today.
tricky tricky tricky...lol. lots of fun though...doing the shirts are fun as well....seeing what designs you can make...
I so wanted to see the spider on the shirts :o(
But it sounds like you had a great Halloween which is the most important part to the whole story!
Oh you little trickster. the tie-dying looks like fun especially when aided by a little wine.
cool pictures. i love tie-dye. i've never tried it before though. enjoy wearing the shirts. amy hates it when i do - says it's showing my age. too bad. lol - with luck, she'll get to be my age one of these days and she can wear whatever she wants, too. right???
"Nope, all candy!" That is too funny!
That tie-dying looks fun. Messy, but fun!
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